I made $3,165 in the last 3 days with Laravel Boilerplate totaling $4,197 in 20 days


New member
After being featured on Laravel News and Ash Allen's newsletters Larafast made $3K in 3 days.

Did I expect this? No.

Does Larafast really save time as promised, YES.

P.S. Thanks to all the companies that rejected my job application recently. And to everyone who supported me during this time by buying or cheering me up.

If you haven't checked yet, check it here: https://larafast.com
@claireu1111 Boilerplates bridge a lot of the gaps between real applications and toy applications. It's mostly people who have a need to build a real application on their own that would want a good boilerplate. If you're working for someone else then most of what you'd get out of a boilerplate has probably already been written (albeit, frequently incorrectly). Similarly, if you're just messing around then a boilerplate will probably mostly just hinder your fun.
@claireu1111 In my uninformed opinion, it kind of reminds me of WordPress, but for apps, and maybe aimed more at an audience of boot camp programmers rather than no coders?

Is that kind of what this is? It's a first for me.
@elaguy Yeeeeah seems like bootcampers are the target — I don’t know why experienced devs would need this.

It’s nice having the boilerplate set up for a new stack, but any mid-level dev with experience on a stack should be able to properly bootstrap the beginnings of an app in an hour or so.
@joel05 It's a project that contains often used cross-cutting functionality, you can use to start of your project quicker.

E.g. it handles the setup for logging, monitoring, authN, payments, maybe some admin UI, ... So you can focus on building your business functionality.
@claireu1111 I thought the same until a client gave me a boilerplate kit he had bought and wanted me to use. I thought it was going to be some themeforest WordPress crap. It was instead a modular architected react application with all the bells and whistles and great documentation. Worth every penny he paid.

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