I made an app just to say F%$K to LastPass


New member
In autumn my password manger, LastPass, decided they would charge a monthly subscription to access passwords on other devices, you could choose computer or phone, crippling my ability to login in Reddit in half my devices...

Rather than paying the €2.90/month I planned a more cleaver way to say "f%$k you": invest a bunch of my time (and programing supper powers) to create a competitor without subscriptions! Muahahahahaha.

So here it is Pocket Pass Manager, you can access your passwords from any device forever, for the same price a month of LastPass. You can download Pocket Pass Manager here.

So, Pocket Pass Manager = F$%K LastPass.

If someone knows the LastPass CEO (or some one working there) please share this middle finger to them (preferably with an screenshot of your purchase).
@adstrad Came here to ask this. Been using BitWarden since the LastPass change, and loved it so much that I did actually end up paying for it. On principle, I won't pay for something that a company does a bait-and-switch on like LastPass did, and BitWarden comes with some neat features like TOTP integration that I didn't have in LastPass at the time.
@bemynanny I wish they would improve UI/UX a bit - it really feels outdated but other than that I also enjoy using Bitwarden and it's pretty cheap compared to other competitors.
I don't mind them charging, they have to have a business model that works. I'd even go so far as to say that if an online password manager has no income stream, you should be worried. You are the product and all that.

However, if you're going to charge you have to improve the product! I reported to them an issue with Mac client, where you can only copy the password if you click the eye and reveal it before copying. Imagine you're in a presentation and you need to pull up a password - you get it. They replied back that is not something they're going to fix. Now, an online password manager that doesn't want to fix flaws in their product? Should also be worried.
@adstrad I really don’t know all the differences. I think the main one, is you have an integrated web server so you can access your vault on any computer with no installations. Let me get back to you in a few days!
@thewaris1 If I could export my passwords easily to your app you would have a customer in me. It’s like Spotify, I just can’t be bothered to move to an other platform since all my lists are there and it would be such a hassle to move.
@kimm91 Awesome! One of the very near updates is going to be an importer from CSV, for example LastPass (explorer plugin) lets you export them to CSV. I will write to you when the importer is ready!

I get the struggle, even for me is a work in progress to migrate everything to Pocket Pass Manager…
@thewaris1 All in all this sounds like it was a cool experiment for you to build but I don't think there's a market for your product the way that it is now, so it may be kind of premature trying to sell it at this stage.
@bemynanny I can give you access to testfligth beta if you want to try it out!

Kind of is this is a great solution for “aluminum hat” kind of people, all passwords are only stored locally + you can handle your backups. So it’s no vulnerable to datacenter attacks, and gives you total control to your keys. + gives easy access from other devices.

We’ve being using it in Reliby for a few months, and we are only missing the desktop autocomplete, and we are going to work on it soon!

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