I plan to make remote work less lonely with this product. Is the market positioning right?


New member
Hi! I've launched the product described below and I would like to know if you think the positioning in the market is worth it.
  1. The product: I feel working remotely is lonely. I want to connect remote workers with other remote workers from the same city through 1:1 video calls. That way they can get to know each other and eventually meet in person for lunch or work. What's the difference to lunchclub? Lunchclub is focussed on international, professional connections. Pipewing is focussed on casual, local connections you can eventually meet in real life, e.g. at a co-working space. I would say it is positioned between lunchclub and meetup.com.
  2. Website: Pipewing.com
  3. The market: I personally believe that remote or hybrid work is here to stay. And that local communities will become more important. I believe in the future you will work for one company and work with your local community.
  4. What stage are you in: Just launched as a side project.
  5. Customer conversion strategy: Partnerships with local shops, communities, co-working spaces, etc. I can imagine that for small cities it would be nice to have a tool where you can meet other people from your city. So that you build a strong local community.
  6. Why you: I'm passionate about this. Remote work is so important. For saving the environment. And if we can make remote work work for only 1000 more people, that are probably at least 1000 hours of commuting saved. Every single day. This is motivating to me and the reason why I think I have the stamina to carry this project through its ups and downs.
@alenajoy Have been working from home for 3ish year since my wife had our second child and I do love it due to the amount of time that I get to spend with my family, but at times it is still lonely when the fam is out all day

My question when I look at your site is: what happens after we connect? What are we meant to do?
  • Is it one of those sites where you both stay online for an hour and work along side each other?
  • Are you meant to meet up for a coffee and a chat?
  • Are you meant o go and work together in a co-working space?
If you are connecting two people, it is almost like dating - they both need to want the same thing out of the connection.. How can you set peoples' expectations of what they are going to get out of the connection, and how can you ensure that you match people who want similar outcomes together?
@mcarans Thank you. Good point. The site is indeed almost like a dating app. You can say yes or no to a short pitch of the other person. Like "X is interested in talking about xyz, do you want to meet them for a virtual 1:1"?

What I hope this accomplishes is that two people say: "Ah, you're sitting right around the corner, why don't we meet in person (at my home, your home, a coffee shop) to work together." or "Hey, where are you going for lunch? Let's go together?"

It's not that you should work online alongside for one hour. It's more about getting to know people from your town. Who also want to make new connections, because they work remotely and don't take lunch with their office team.
@alenajoy Interesting. I literally read a post today on r/webdesign or something similar about someone who found working from home was so awful that they begun to hate coding. Primarily the disconnect from Coworkers was a huge part.

I however don't even want to talk to a stranger on a plane anymore. Let alone my day is busy enough without chatting to another human.

I cannot say I am your target demographic, been working from home for almost 3 years.

Best of luck!

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