I Spent 4 Hours reading 25+ Marketing Reports and Here’s What I learned Part-1


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1. Pinterest’s New Algorithm Explained​

The new algorithm changes were announced by Pinterest’s engineering team. It’s quite hard to fully understand who the algorithm works because you need an engineering background but here’s my findings after reading the blogpost!

The Home feed of an average Pinterest user is curated based on last 100 Pins you engaged with and based on your actions like repinning, save, hide and click, etc. The pins are promoted to a different section on your home feed.

The algorithm also shows content based on the time you spent on the platform and how much time you spent on one pin. Mentioned in the post, Pinterest breaks down that Based on the time spent engagement of a user fluctuates a lot.That’s why they are changing algorithms to make the user engagement doesn’t drop.

Highlighting their focus on Repins and saves, these two will have the most impact to rank pins on home feed. Why? Because to stop the downfall in “in-app engagement” they have to show the best content to the users that aren’t active that much.

For Marketers, Make sure your CTAs and Visuals make people stay on your pins. Give the users context and enough bread to repin your content or save it.

2. TikTok’s E-Commerce & Consumer Report​

  1. Interia to make decisions: 46% Consumers buy on a different day after First Brand touchpoint.
  2. 63% of Users need to see content at least 3-4 times before making a buying decision.
  3. 34% of Consumers are sceptical about branded content on Tiktok due to Crypto & other trends making the news.
  4. 41% do not purchase due to missing information.
  5. 15% product discoveries happen on Tiktok when asked online consumers. A jump from last year’s 4% to 15%.

3. Traditional V Ads Vs Digital Mobile Ads​

  1. Two TV ads have 44% more effect on Consumer’s Purchase Intent compared to 33% of Two Digital Mobile Exposures.
  2. TV Ads have a better Unaided recall compared to Mobile Exposure Ads. With TV ads having 44% compared to Movile Ad’s 20%.
  3. Branding Ads are more likely to create an emotional connection that lasts longer than CTA Ads. 80% Of the consumers liked the Ad where they could connect with Brands on a higher level.
  4. Distracted Viewing In Advertising: 36% participants never looked at the Digital Mobile Ad due to Bad Creatives or X reasons compared to 6% for TV.
  5. TV + Mobile Ads work great together resulting in both 45% greater unaided recall compared to Digital Ads and also 39% greater Purchase Intent.

4. LinkedIn’s B2B Marketing Report​

  1. 42% of B2B purchase decision makers find B2B advertising boring while 82% of B2B Ads had the same format as B2C Ads.
  2. Brand and Demand: The Study shows optimal balance between brand and demand. 60% Branding and 40% direct response is what most successful B2B brands do in their campaigns.
  3. B2B audiences first exposed to branding or acquisition Ads convert better because at any given time, 95% of the consumers are not in market for a purchase in this space.
  4. LinkedIn’s Users watch 79% of the In-feed Video Content with sound off.
  5. 47% of buyers say that most of the time the thought leadership content from B2B founders doesn’t resonate with their specific needs.

5. How People are Planning for Holiday Shopping​

  1. 74% of US Consumers across all ages and demographics are trading down on their holiday budgets due to Inflation.
  2. 21% increase in optimism among low and medium-income earners for this holiday season.
  3. 42% Consumers willing to browse-in local stores this year compared to 39% of last year.
  4. 40% of Consumers intend to splurge for themselves with Gen-Z being the most excited and millennials too.
  5. 44% consumers are seeking Coupons and discounts, while 43% looking forward to move to a new retailer for a lower price this season.
  6. 48% of Gen-Z said they have planned to use Buy Now Pay Later for the upcoming shopping season along side 47% Millennials and 40% Gen X.

6. Google’s Insights on SEO Practices​

  1. For Better SEO Approach, to make sure we don’t miss important sections of your website. Add Alt texts to all of your images and describe the content within it. Don’t use phrases like “Image of” and “screenshot of” we already know that it’s an image.
  2. Google shared Insights on AI Images being under Webmaster’s guidelines and they allow that while prohibiting AI generated content stated in their new updated webmaster guidelines. When AI conteng found to be completely unreviewed by Author and spam.

7. Social Media Insights For Businesses Before Holiday Marketing!​

  1. 61% of surveyed IG Weekly users says that Ads with product tags make them buy more conveniently and make faster decisions.
  2. Snapchat’s Consumer repory shows their users plan to start shopping early this year. To reach 75% of their Gen-Z and Millennials audience, the platform highlights focus on multi-product driven campaigns with dynamic auto-bidding and A/B testing.
  3. Meta’s Holiday Marketing Guide Highlights to share shopping deals and launch campaigns early(probably now) to get the most out of the holiday season. That’s why focus on broad targeting and awareness with your campaigns.
  4. Tiktok highlights usage of Lead Generation Ads and it’s collective Ads format to capture it’s early shoppers user base while utilising creator marketplace.
Thanks for reading. I share marketing reports and updates every week in this community but if you want sources & more insights, you can subscribe here and also finf sources to these reports.I share 6 marketing reports and all marketing updates of the week, every sunday.

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