I spent 52 hours analyzing the best content format to earn links for SaaS


New member
So my team and I selected 100 websites from 43 different SaaS categories & looked into their "best by links" report in ahrefs

We ignored homepages, product guides, and anything that could not be made for marketing purposes.

Then we categorized the pages with the most number of links & 2nd most number of links acc. to the content type

We came up with 11 major content types - Listicle, guide, how to, What is, research piece, industry news, company news, stats, free template, infographic, white paper

so the top 3 content types for pages with the most links are:

What is X (27.7%) - in these posts you basically explain a term or concept in your industry

Listicle (20.8) - in these you list tactics, benefits etc depending on the keyword

Guide (10.9%) - Comprehensive posts around a topic that cover both the what & how.

& the top 3 content types for pages with the 2nd most number of links are:

How to (20.8%)

Listicle (18.8%)

What (15.8%)

Here is the data - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17RPHv_VMDiphahhaW40-rTkhVNTFdxdJgSle2OzklCo/edit?usp=sharing
@calvary4me Thanks for your job! The table looks very useful.

Can you please specify what you mean by "best by links"? Are they pages with the most number of links? Or some other metrics?

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