I will build your SaaS MVP for free

@christine7788 Better question once you’ve open sourced us for ideas lol what happens to the ideas and people that don’t get picked? Seems to me there might be some space for hot ideas and half baked (but may be on to something)
@jermcoles I'll sell you the list for $500 obviously.

But seriously it's a good thought. I wouln't share anything without their permission so perhaps I can reach out to them and see if they would be happy with me sharing their entry/idea.
@jermcoles Ideas are worth absolutely 0 nada nothing.

Execution is everything and the market decides your value. And everybody got the same ideas anyway.

Also most SaaS businesses can be copied quickly, you can always sign in, inspect everything down to the API calls and just rebuilt it yourself.

Your value is in distribution and execution not your idea.

Don’t be attached to it, otherwise you will spent months or even worse years building something in secrecy that nobody ever wanted 😉
@shawn4145 For clarity I’m not one of those people that hold on to ideas clutching for life. The fact that both of you automagically assumed that is sad on both your parts.
@ronnec1208 Ideas are worth something. If they weren’t we wouldn’t have anything lolz I agree execution is. No need to preach to me I’m fully aware of how Saas businesses work :)

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