If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

@cminister111 I suppose the cynically minded might argue that her biggest mistake was not to flee to a country without a relevant extradition treaty. :p

"You’ve got to know when to hold ’em. Know when to fold ’em. Know when to walk away. And know when to run." — 'The Gambler'; written by Don Schlitz and sung & recorded by Kenny Rogers.
@cminister111 I completely agree.

My point — which was certainly rather cryptically presented — was that if Theranos is presented as an example of why it was wrong to do that because the business failed and the CEO is now in jail, then what about the cases of companies & people who get away with it?!

I'm not sure whether this is a great example, but — from watching The Big Short (highly recommended, along with Margin Call) — perhaps the people working at ratings agencies, who profited from either fraud or ineptitude, but were never punished ...never even accused/prosecuted, AFAIK.

I guess it boils down to philosophy. Why is it (generally) a big mistake to steal: because you might be caught & punished, or because it's unfair (morally wrong) to take what someone else has earned & you haven't? Some people will be motivated only by the first factor, focused on self-interest, while others will be driven by principles, i.e. what's good for society.
@lovelifelln This is more like a marketing sub than an entrepreneurship sub. And one of the main concepts of marketing, is to create some shocking viral clickbait facts that people wanna read.

Don't believe everything you read online.

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