I'll roast your SaaS's website design for free


New member
Freelance UI designer here, I like to redesign and re-evaluate existing websites in my free time.

Did this yesterday on another sub and it was really fun to do and connected with a lot of folks!

Comment down your SaaS's link and I'll roast it!

Added the other post's link cause I can't add photos here.

@cynthiak I agree. I wrote them as placeholder paraphrasing what they’ve fed back verbally. They’ll be swapped out this week with the actual approved text from them so i don’t really care about whether they’re real right now when asking for feedback on the design.

I haven’t launched this publicly yet, the marketing page is a work in progress so i can lay out where the content and key elements will need to be placed, i haven’t yet got a hero image/video or worked out pricing yet or a clear one liner on what it is to people

I’m hoping to swap it out with twitter testimonials with a clickable link to validate and view the source, without that most testimonials are worthless anyway
  • move the page texts away from the qik logo on top navigation
  • ideally have some fun design elements on the hero section to make it more lively
  • increase the spacing between all sections, they look a single section clumped up together
  • view docs and try it free buttons need to be different colors
  • the pre-footer CTA can be better and stand out more
  • no footer at the end
  • logo in top nav bar is way too big and taking away attention from button and page texts
  • hero section header isn't standing out or showing the main usecase clearly + alignment issues with the payment link generator below
  • faqs are all over the place, i recommended going for a dropdown
  • pricing section is way too long and the card can be designed better to store information
  • push the 'our technology partners' section up a couple sections
  • footer is perfect
  • I suggest adding a top navigation bar once the product is launched
  • 'No code changes' can be a bit smaller and paired with an icon to show off as a feature
  • email and waitlist button is fine
  • since the site is dark theme, i sugget adding more variety in the background of the dashboard images used to stand out
  • no clear distinction between sections
  • the cards in the 'supercharge your..' section feel too small and compact, space it out
  • rest all on point