I'll roast your SaaS's website design for free

  • hero section is super vague, texts don't have any hierarchy, color is all over the place and everything is center aligned
  • the upload 3d images button gets missed due to it's blue color over a light blue background
  • the 8k ultra sound images section can be a carousel to save space
  • text hierarchy issues again in the features section
  • the 'simple 4 steps' section could be positioned ahead of other sections as it's needed for usability
  • footer is also center aligned and long
  • overall, a very outdated and ugly design. need a revamp immediately if budget permits
  • center align the page texts on the top nav bar so they stand out, currently too close to the logo
  • the subheader text has some parts in bold font, switch to medium
  • other section headers shouldn't be the same size as the hero header, lowe it
  • animations are smooth and perfectly work while scrolling
  • testimonials could do better with an autoplaying gif too, instead of manual carousel
  • rest other sections are nicely done!