I'm offering a bunch of free services to people who may need them. [Details in post]


New member
Hey everyone! Sorry for the wall-of-text, but I assure you that it's worth reading! As someone who have participated in many co-working projects through Reddit, we may have all come to a dilemma where we need some kind of service, but no one wants to be the one to foot the bill.

Well, starting in a couple weeks (hopefully), I'm planning on offering project groups a bunch of free services that we may all need once in a while. Some dev related ones include:
  1. site & file hosting
  2. database space
  3. file storage & backup
  4. access to a CDN (maybe)
  5. + more if possible.
Furthermore, I'll also be offering non-dev services such as:
  1. get a (relatively-simple) website coded for you
  2. hassle-free set-up (we can set up server space for you; need a CMD like wordpress? we'll set that up for you too)
  3. heuristic evaluations & A/B tests
  4. UX, UI, brand & logo design
  5. free content platform (for portfolios, podcasts, blogs, vlogs, etc.)
  6. + more if possible.
Like I said, all this is free for users. The entire project is not for profit (we won't require you to host ads or anything). At the current time, we're still setting things up, but would like to gauge the public interest.

If you're interested in participating, PM me:
  • brief description of your project(s)
  • what services you would be interested in
  • whether your project is for-profit or non-profit
Feel free to ask questions below!
@suezq3 Interesting! I have a resource that I can contribute. I built Chat by KeyReply a free, light-weight, beautiful-looking, live chat widget for site visitors to contact project owners using messaging apps that they are already familiar with.

This service is 100% free, no account required, takes 3 minutes to setup.

I think this will be really useful. What do you think?

edit: I can add a Reddit PM module if there is demand.
@mburton Hey, that looks awesome! Is it free forever, or is it like free as in "trial period?" Also, for us to recommend a product, we have to adhere to our privacy policies. What do you do with the data from the widget? Is it saved at all? If so, what are the privacy restrictions on that?
@suezq3 It's free forever. Once the site owner copies the embed code onto their website, all required information to configure the widget is there. No user account required. We don't have a backend database, and we certainly can't capture or store any chat messages.

All conversation happens in chat apps like faceboook messenger, Skype, whatsapp, etc.

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