Imec. Start Belgium 6% for 50k

@sweetheart1 Imo It is a bad deal unless their connections can make it worth it. Which is doubtful.
50K for 6% is not much.
If you have can't survive without that 50K and can make it to 500K then it's another story. But if that's the case a loan is better.
@sweetheart1 If you don't mind me asking: who's the vc? Or is it an angel investor? Either way, I think it's not a good deal, unless you feel you really need those 50k right now.
@motsog It is an accelerator but not in US. The way I think about it, I dont have YC, or plenty of investors, I am very early on, also I need money tbh if I want to scale. I am a hardware and also I need software later, so having something is better than nothing.
@sweetheart1 Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Without knowing more, if you don't have a product or customers unless your idea is unique and something only you can bring to market 50k for 6% doesn't sound unreasonable.

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