[INTRO] Honest Booking


New member
Introducing my first SaaS app:


A bit of backstory, wanted to do my own SaaS app for months but was looking for ideas. Stumbled upon this article https://medium.com/backchannel/buying-tickets-to-restaurants-114e5b9c768f on 9 December, thinking that it's a good idea (given that I dined a lot in Melbourne).

Went to my usual barber the week after and had a chat about an online booking system that he wanted to have where customers can book for his service easily whilst avoiding fake / non-genuine bookings.

Put one to one together, and I've been spending my nights and weekends developing Honest Booking from mid December (I work full time in a big corp).

It's developed using the usual stack: Stripe, Heroku, Amazon (Route53, S3, CloudFront, SES), and Twilio. The front-end was a spaghetti of jQuery and a bootstrap template from somewhere (can't remember). In hindsight, should have gone with Ember, but then, I was looking for a quick solution smile

I come from a technical background, so I'm always interested to tackle the technical stuff first. So, I didn't do the usual startup stuff, i.e. no idea validation, no business model canvas, etc. wink

Anyway, hope to hear your feedback.
@puregold020 Hey Donny,

Very nice work, nice looking site, you have a shot. A few things.
  1. Post this on entrepreneur AND /r/startups . This is a pretty good looking product and you want it to be seen.
  2. Don't make it unlimited business-initiated. Owners will work around it, and it's also not the difference between buying or not buying. Don't leave money on the table. I'm serious, I use a booking system for my two maid companies and it's no difference.
Other than that, great job!
@613jono Hi man

Thanks for the feedback. Really appreciated.

1) yeah. Tried that but got deleted because of my lack of karma :) will try again once I've enough
2) hmm. Interesting. The main value of Honest Booking is to allow customers to book. The unlimited business-initiated bookings is just a sweetener. But I get what you mean. I'll revisit again once I've picked up more HB customers.

Thanks once again for feedback. Really appreciated :)

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