Just sold our SaaS for 6 figures. Honest lessons I wish I knew - would have saved me time

@katieflute I have a confidentiality clause from acquirers :( Wish I could disclose... on social, I used to share very transparently all the numbers for other companies
@clmorgan Regarding copying other ideas, what if you heard of an idea that just got funded by some big name VC fund and you thought you could had original ideas that could take such an idea further?
@kenneths If it's VC-funded you can even copy shamelessly - again, don't infringe on copyright, so don't 1:1 copy as that's illegal. So don't copy names, IP, exact 1:1 screens, etc. But you can copy THE WAY IT BRINGS VALUE TO THE USER

If you can do it while making it yours - you actually "deserve" it better, since you're doing better than the funded competitors. And if you're not doing better but you're still getting a piece of the pie... good for you! They toiled so hard to create the industry and carve a path - and you're piggybacking them!

even if you pick a subset

I got copied blatantly with my first company - multiple times. Didn't get mad - just looked and said "hey, they got 80% of our upside, with 20% of downside, since we carved the path. Let's do something like that next time for our next company!"

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