Is Sales or D2D sales always this aggressive?


New member
So this is my first sales job, I am going to sell home security usually targeting new home owners with the goal of saying we’re performing an inspection, building rapport, then transitioning into them buying security ofc, and I’m 4 days in the “paid” training phase that every new employee takes for 2 weeks. My problem that i’m facing right now is the sales tactics that my sales manager and national trainer are trying to teach us, which come off as very predatory to me and my friend, for example one of the sales techniques they taught us consists of distracting the client by pointing out one of the sensors they have behind the door and then stepping into their home without permission usually then continuing with the inspection. Another one being that if they decline without a valid reason example being “oh i can’t afford this” and the response is “do u remember during closing when they ran the numbers and you were able to prove you make 3x more than the mortgage, utilities etc, so you’re telling me you can’t afford 30 dollars a month to protect your family?!”. And sure you have to sift thru the bullshit and call them out but tactics such as these aren’t sitting right with me and i’m wondering if all sales jobs or if not most are like this?

Second the paid training portion of the job, we get paid $250 for the 2 weeks we’re over there but only if we’re able to make 1 sale per week. Lastly it’s purely commission, i’m not opposed to this it’s common within this part of the industry but the fact my job is an hour away and about a 50 mile drive one way, it makes it tough justifing to keep the job.

Maybe the true question i’m wondering is if i should stick with this particular sales job or go into another much closer and more aligned with my morals. I have a feeling that i should stay and stick it out for atleast half a year but also I don’t know if it’s morally correct for me.

PS - We started with 8 new employees including me and it’s now dwindled to 4.
@mohanmon It's a great way to end up face down on the floor with a gun shoved in your back around my parts. Hell - just being at my front door ... (fenced off with locked gates - you're already criminally trespassing if you're at my door).
@blackwolf001 Your observations are correct. This is predatory. Sales is matching a customer's needs with what you offer. Not forcing a product or service on someone who is too weak to insist on not buying.

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