Sales staff stealing my customers to earn through commissions

@lizzi Have recurring accounts assigned to each employee based on who signed them up. Make it a documented process to change over accounts if, for whatever reason, the customer wants/needs to switch to a new employee. Train all employees (and document) that stealing commissions/customers is a zero tolerance rule.
@lizzi I can’t really say without knowing your systems.

My small piece of advice - Along with the other comment here - you just opened yourself up massively by allowing people to sell to their friends and family. I’d make it so that the friends and family discount needs to come through the business, even if it’s the same amount. Then I’d be monitoring all the personal sales and probably giving it a limit as well. (Depending on what you sell that is). Kinda different if you are selling beds or soft drinks or software
@lizzi If your customers come to you through your channels why do you even need sales staff, plural??

Put these people to cold call and knock on doors and hire someone not on commission to take orders that come in through your channels. Hell just make a website and automate the whole thing.

If this is b2b why even give them discounts for f&f? Take away that benefit, it’s gonna be exploited.

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