I've been looking into the saas startup funding and it is going downhill quickly


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  • The software as a service (SaaS) sector, once a favorite among startup investors, has experienced a notable decline in interest. This decline persists despite a modest recovery in overall U.S. venture funding.
  • Up to this point in 2024, SaaS and enterprise software companies have secured $4.7 billion in financing from early-stage to growth-stage rounds.
  • This amount suggests that 2024 is likely to fall significantly short of last year's $17.4 billion total, which itself marked the lowest annual figure in years.

Changing Trends​

  • While funding is still available for SaaS and enterprise software companies, there has been a significant drop in the number of major deals compared to previous years.
  • Over the past year, startup-vault.beehiiv.com data shows that only 21 deals of $100 million or more have closed. This is a stark contrast to the 147 such financings during the peak of deal-making in 2021.
  • The investment totals for 2024 are significantly lower on a year-over-year basis, largely due to the absence of any single massive financing round like Stripe's $6.5 billion Series I in 2023, which set a record for the largest funding round in the industry.
  • Looking ahead, market observers are closely monitoring the performance of SaaS giants in public markets, hoping that improved earnings outlooks will reignite investor enthusiasm.
  • In private markets, investment activity remains subdued. However, there continues to be a steady stream of deals being completed, albeit at a lower frequency and volume than in previous years.
  • The software as a service (SaaS) sector, once a favorite among startup investors, has experienced a notable decline in interest. This decline persists despite a modest recovery in overall U.S. venture funding.
  • Up to this point in 2024, SaaS and enterprise software companies have secured $4.7 billion in financing from early-stage to growth-stage rounds.
  • This amount suggests that 2024 is likely to fall significantly short of last year's $17.4 billion total, which itself marked the lowest annual figure in years.
@josh345 You don't need funding. Just get a side-job & build a SaaS on the side with AI to help.

Get your first customers. Replace your job income with SaaS income. And then go all in.

Once you get ball rolling, it'll keep selling.

Otherwise just clone SaaS startups that are already making millions so you don't have to suffer with finding PMF.

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