I've created a free fitness app to guide and support your workouts


New member

3 months ago, I made a big move: I left my day job to kickstart a project I've always dreamed of.

Over my 8-year gym journey, I realized a distinct pattern: my discipline and performance peaked when working out with friends or coaches. When alone, it was way too easy to slide into a comfortable routine, which I know slowed my progress.

I'm sure many can relate to the ups and downs of self-discipline, whether it's about fitness, studies, or work. For me, while I had a general sense of what routines were effective over the years, I never really pinpointed the specifics. A big reason? Most fitness tracking apps out there had overwhelming designs. I was after something simple, minimal, and motivating.

This led me to develop Meysa: a minimalist app designed to keep you on your toes. With it, you can effortlessly log workouts, receive tailored recommendations when you're getting too comfy, and dive deep into your performance data.

I'd genuinely love some feedback from this community, especially since so many people are building stuff here. If you try it out, please share your thoughts, it would mean a lot 🫶.

It's free and already on the App Store.

Website: https://meysa.app/

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/meysa/id6463510633?l=en-GB

Android: Coming soon!

The journey has just begun, and I'm refining the app daily. Thank you all 🫶
@guitarhdman big props for taking the leap, mate! i feel the pain of wanting a straightforward tool without all the noise.

curious, how does Meysa nudge you when it senses complacency? it's a neat idea to have an app act like that gym buddy who keeps you accountable. might give it a shot next workout.
@chrincle Thank you for taking the time to check it out and to leave a reply!

Do you have some app names that, in your perspective, stand out due to their UI design?
@guitarhdman Big congrats on this huge step you took. I always admire those bold moves.

I don’t think your app looks “depressing” at all but still you can improve the general brand perception and visuals.

In my opinion a lot of those apps focused on some photographic assets to motivate the users. In the past this was a huge investment but I think you can solve everything with Midjourney.

I would take some more inspiration from apps like Freeletics HIIT or Nike Training Club to see how they use colors, highlights, CTAs and typography.

Keep up with the good work!

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