I've done it! My first customers!!


New member
Wowza, this is actually so surreal. I literally am shaking right now. They're an actual medium size tech business too, which I feel makes it a little more impressive, but hey what do I know. I know it's not the millionth customer but you have to start somewhere right. So many ups and downs I am just happy right now. The work doesn't stop here, it's just beginning! Ohh I'm so excited!


Thank you everyone for the encouragement and congratulations, it means a lot to me to have such a supportive community! And like I said before this is where the real world begins and I'm not going to stop building the best version of our product. Feel free to reach out to me and share you're own stories or add them below. I would love to hear and support everyone here!


I didn't expect this post to blow up and like I said before I'm so excited to be in this position. I've gotten questions about what my startup is and I don't want to leave those unanswered so I've linked a demo video here. Again, thank you all for you're support, now time to get back on the grind!


Wow because of y’all and this post I’m up to almost 50 users (mostly free tier) thank you so much to everyone for believing in this product and me!


I've got a lot of PM's asking for my startup to make it easy y'all can check it out here:
I've also been offering everyone whose asked the premium tier free for 6 months, but I have to do that manually PM me if you would like that!
@christiansocialjustice Hey Ken_Sanne! Congrats to livelobsterNDA on their first customers! It's always exciting to see someone's hard work paying off. And I totally get what you mean about wanting more posts like this. It's refreshing to see genuine success stories rather than those "overnight millionaire" tales. But hey, everyone's journey is different, right? We all have our own paths to success.
@endriu888123 So happy for you! I definitely celebrated my first customer. Promised myself I'll buy an espresso machine and went and bought it.

Celebrate this. You've worked so hard for it.
@skarforchrist I just emailed businesses and explained we're a SaaS business and I would love to talk to someone about it and then that would get the ball rolling. Eventually one of the business said they're in and boom, here I am!
@skar_for_christ Contact pages, having met some of the people before at events, etc. I've sent out probably 7 or so emails, heard back from like 3. From the 3, 1 of them said yes to actually becoming a customer, still waiting for the other 2 now.

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