I've got 24h to build a twitter account (Final test in job interview process) (Process sharing)


New member
1.5 hour left. Had 5h sleep. Am now at 55 followers! Quite satisfied with that :)

Finishing up the report now.

Thank you very much to everyone who have followed, commented, and upvoted!
Action steps:
*Defined Objectives and Key Results

*Put together list of the different social networks and their pro/cons for completing this task.

*Chose twitter, based on speed starting from 0, allowed content, and familiarity

*Put together list of niche topics I’m interested in, and their pros/cons/stats

*Look at current popular hastags at hashtags.org (#nowplaying)

*Look at what is trending in the different niches, how often hashtags are used, types of content available, content I can create

*Used twitter search

*Used hastagify.me

*Chose MarioKart based on the story I’d be able to tell with the content, the ideas I have for content, how passionate people are about the topic, and the lower competition from companies and professional accounts.

*Setting up account

*Brainstorm names and decide on using a character as twitter nick and profile pic

*Researching popularity of top characters





*Decide to go with Bowser based on popularity, and the strength of feeling people have towards him both as a character in the MarioKart series, but also how strong feeling people have towards him due to being the protagonist in the Mario games. (Also, he is my favourite MarioKart character, so that also played a role. I’d rather spend 24 hours working on him as a character, rather than Mario, Yoshi, or Luigi)

*Set up new gmail account: xxxxxxxxx@gmail.com

*Set up new twitter account:
@bowser_team (TeamBowser)

*Research top Twitter bios for ideas:






*Completed twitter profile:

*Wrote bio

*Created banner

*Found profile pic

*Set up tracking document for growth hacking:

*Brainstormed 12 ideas for growth

*Preparing Twitter account for growth

*Set up Hashtag tracking for #mariokart with www.hashtracking.com

*Set up BufferApp profile for automatic posting

*Created a meme using Stencil and posted on twitter. Shared it on two subreddits. r/gamingmemes and r/mariokart.

*Created post on facebook about what I’m doing, asking people to follow the account.

*Reached out to close friends on facebook asking them to follow account.
@curiousspring Thank you very much for the ideas! Omni-channel is always better indeed :) Best result was in following relevant twitterers. No ground breaking revelation there.
Good thing is that it was the overall work of several different experiments that lead to the end result, and that is what I hope they will take away from this. It is not about finding one hack that gives you all the growth. It's about having a good process, and stacking many experiments on top of one another.
@jon97 You’ve got my follow!

Consider engaging with every non-spammy looking tweet about gaming. Bring value in each tweet. You’ve reached your goal, but I’d use the remaining hours to crush it 😎

When you’re done, I’d love to have a short chat with you over DMs. I noticed the google doc you use to track your experiments, I’m in early beta developing a tool that helps me setup, launch, track, and analyse growth experiments.

I’m still in ideation phase so getting feedback and thoughts from you would be amazing.

Good luck with the interview!
@missionfreak Thank you very much for the follow and the well wishes! And yeah, the engagement is key. It's a bit harder to track though, since it is such a small part. I'm sure there is a product out there that can track it though :)

Speaking of which, absolutely, send over the DMs! I'd be very happy to help :)

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