Just made my first dollar with my SaaS after quitting my job for it

@boysitinhnd94 Congratulations! A few questions: how much does it cost to operate and maintain yearly? I mean like server and/or licensing costs. And How much does a yearly subscription cost? You can DM if you’re more comfortable.
@boysitinhnd94 Earning your 1st dollar online is the best thing, congratulations on that!

Just checked your product. The additional feature you are providing to note-taking is easily finding the information, is that right?

Also, since this space is very crowded, I would love to know how you got the first 1k users that you mentioned in the post.
@lysimachus Ah, the add on is the "pay as you go" model for using many AI models on the app like GPT, Claude, Gemini

Regarding the launch, I opened the private beta from October till Feb and got a total of 1k. Lots of grinding man, I don't have the audience beforehand: cold reach out, linkedin, product hunt, community, reddit… thats a big topic to cover. But in a nutshell, reaching out a lot manually

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