Just want to share many failed projects that I did over last 10-15 years


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The full list is here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IQ86eno-8X2NgWkupg27lRVdAc1AET1BzJZe9Lw-ztU/edit?usp=sharing

One of my favorites are
  • Real movie spoilers
    • Description: Record videos or write real movie spoilers that spoil the very core of the movie like: Thanos is killed by Tony Stark
    • Pros and Cons: are obvious
    • Why it failed: I didn’t start it because TikTok and YouTube always pushed me to my country and I wanted to record in English. Also I would have to watch a lot of movies and it takes time. I could use VPN but at if I login without VPN it detects me and pushes back to my country
  • Hate comment removal
    • Description: Removing hate comments on YT
    • Pros: It’s obvious. Good business model
    • Cons: No idea how to get YouTubers who want that because hate comments might boost algorithm
    • Why it failed: I could not find YouTubers who want to try it
  • 3Gaysketeers
    • Description: Gay dating app where pic of dick/ass is mandatory. Meaning that profile pic is mandatory and it has to be dick/ass so there are no empty profile. Each pic is verified by writing your username on a paper and take a pic
    • Pros: builds more trust in gay community, you see exactly what dick/ass looks like, speeds up the process of hookup
    • Cons: geobased so hard to promote
    • Why it failed: it was super hard to promote because it has to be promoted city by city
  • Would you do it for a dollar?
    • Description: Let’s say Fiverr but for social stuff. For example people can ask someone: Would you drink a milk, run a mile, yell something… for X dollars. If you do it you get paid
    • Pros: There is business model, it’s interesting
    • Cons: It might go dark very fast
    • Why it failed: Too afraid to launch
  • News summary
    • Description: A bot that will scrape news portals, create a summary in 3-5 sentences of an article and post on the website
    • Pros: Very useful because articles are often big and written for SEO so they have a lot of unnecessary data
    • Cons: There is no way to monetize except for ads. It doesn’t make sense to have paywall
    • Why it failed: I started it but I didn’t have enough money to promote it and get back return on investment
Gay dating app where pic of dick/ass is mandatory. Meaning that profile pic is mandatory and it has to be dick/ass so there are no empty profile. Each pic is verified by writing your username on a paper and take a pic

I like the idea but I am not sure if Apple and Google would allow this app on the app store?
@thesongbird98 Alright, real question here:

What did you do with all those domains?

I assume you bought a separate domain for each business...22 projects x $12/yr = $264 minimum spent. Some domains might be more expensive and you might have renewed domains.

I feel like letting them just expire is so unsatisfying. It'd be awesome if I can sell domains of failed businesses, but selling a domain also takes effort and luck and time, and I'd have to keep renewing the domain while waiting.

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