Just want to share many failed projects that I did over last 10-15 years

@thesongbird98 This is high-level trolling, lol!

From the "full list":

  • Description: Sell actual egg with Apple logo on it. Basically useless egg but with apple logo it gives value and you can sell it of 99$ or such. The same as apple does with their products
  • Pros: Fun
  • Cons: Can’t use apple logo
  • Why it failed: I could not launch
The full list is crazy!

  • Description: Renting a dick/pussy on demand, but that is prostitution
  • Pros: Would be great to earn money
  • Cons: Prostitution
  • Why it failed: I could not launch it
@thesongbird98 Wow, congrats on sharing your failed projects! 👏

I like it when people do that because we naturally see only successful people and projects. Without thinking, these same persons may have tried X times to have only one successful one.

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