Key Insights from Y Combinator's High-Growth US Startups of 2023


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Just did a study on Y Combinator's portfolio to identify the fastest-growing US-based startups as well as categories in 2023.
  • Universe of companies: All YC portfolio companies that have raised more than $5m in funding and have more than 10 employees. A total of about 350 companies.
  • Fastest growing industries by median headcount growth:
    • Aviation & Aerospace 6.80%
    • Medical Device 6.21%
    • Biotechnology 5.85%
    • Transportation/Trucking 5.40%
    • Insurance 4.84%
  • Fastest growing categories by median headcount growth:
    • Recruiting 9%
    • Supply Chain Management 8.12%
    • Productivity Tools 8.05%
    • Aerospace 6.83%
    • Biotechnology 6.80%
  • AI, Data, and Robots: The top startups in the industries above are leveraging AI, data and robots to improve processes in specific industries.
  • Top Growth Companies: Deel (global HR and payroll), Epsilon3 (software tools for space and manufacturing), and AssemblyAI (AWS for AI and ML) lead in headcount growth.
For a deeper dive into these insights, check out the full article here

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