Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

@morse86 I've seen kids on what basically amounts to leashes, so I guess there's a market for this sort of thing.

I do recall seeing something on shark tank where you could put a GPS locator of some sort in a kid's backpack so I think the technology does exist in some form.

Before you start thinking money into prototypes and stuff like that, it might be wise to survey some preschools or some parents to get some feedback.
@morse86 You're going to want to talk to parents to see how they feel about that.

If you're going to sell it to a Pre-K or something like that you're going to run into an issue whenever some parents are against it. Kind of defeats the purpose if not all the kids are wearing them.
@morse86 I love this idea and looked into it a while ago - I think there are two main problems -

GPS power units are big - probably quite big relative to a toddlers leg - I have seen those ankle bracelets and they are significant size.

The other problem is people general fear of em emitting devices near a child.

If you can get over those two problems I would certainly buy one.

At the moment I put an airtag in his pocket!