COVID Loan Tracker: Here is detail on the first 6 Businesses who got PPP Loans

@proverbs3 If you received your money, please go back to the survey and click "yes" on the first question. This will then take you to follow up questions allowing you to submit details.
@charity1 Would there be a negative bias on a survey like this? Meaning a lower rate of loan success that what is actually happening?

Businesses who have received the funds would be less likely to take the survey (they do their sigh-of-relief and move on) than businesses that are nervously waiting for funding.
@revdr So theoretically yes. However, interestingly, the business that have reported success have actually come back to the survey and updated their status (8 out of 12 successes happened this way). So we have a facility to avid it and we are using our newsletter to remind people to come back. The other point to consider is that we launched the site early enough that VERY few businesses had loans yet, so I don't think there was an immediately negative bias.
@clintjohnhampton Good for you. We have been hearing a lot of some version of "you approved, the money is coming" or "sent up for approval". We are wondering how long it will take for the money to arrive. Keep us posted!
@charity1 I work for a smaller, community bank. Once all info has been submitted in ETRAN, we get an immediate approval from SBA and move to closing. Closing with our internal loan docs and SBA note to cover all bases. Advancing our own funds in hopes that Treasury pays off loan in 8 weeks...
@charity1 Is there a way to get a list of actual companies that have been approved for a PPP loan by geographical areas - (IE list of all companies in Houston TX who received PPP loans)

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