Had to close b&m due to Covid. Can’t seem to feel better

@workinprogress89 Do you think you will be able to re-open this later or in away incorprate what you use to do. It is never easy when anyone fails but its een harder when its out of your control. There are so many people that have been losing there lively hoods do to Covid. Let me know if there is away I can assist by bouncing some ideas off.
@workinprogress89 Companies gets effected by external forces and fail all the time. Its called external because it wasnt something you could control. This was just unlucky timing. There are ways to build other businesses later in life.

Yes , we could expect empathy from people around us but if we cant get it we shouldnt let that effect us or cause you to judge people.
@workinprogress89 Hate to see someone pour their life into something and then get it ripped away by virus or governmental fiat. I think the tone-deaf response you're getting is that most people are employees - they bear 0 risk if the company goes under and have multiple landing pads if it does.

Doers? People like you and countless others on this subreddit (I guess it can be counted, subscriber numbers) get out there and bear that risk. They stick their neck out for others. That comes with an emotional tie, a real bond to the effort and love you put in.

Sorry to hear that got taken away from you. No need to apologize, I've used way worse in my consultations.
@workinprogress89 I opened 2 months later due to landlord issues, started slow and in the middle of holiday shopping, and just couldn’t get the ball rolling fast enough.

Ended up shutting down my dream in Feb, with the writing on the wall coming closer.

I ended up in upper management at a top 10 retailer. Better for me and my family, bank account and health.

I took a coupe of days, closed up what needed to be closed up and moved on. I miss it at times, but after the first month of steady pay and health benefits, it feels normal.
@workinprogress89 Take a moment. Find your center. All of us have had similar, or are going through shit like this right now. You are simply not alone.

No one here know what the "right" amount of time to process your grief, only you (and your hubbo-maybe) will know it. Once its time gather yourself and give it another shot.

Also. Take some time to listen to the how i built this podcast. https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510313/how-i-built-this

You will find moments of your struggle in these curated stories. Listen, appreciate, process, and grow yourself out of this.

Good luck!
@jehu22 Great suggestion on the HIBT podcast. It's helpful to hear stories of other entrepreneurs struggling, and how they came out stronger on the other side.

"The hard thing about hard things" is also an excellent read that may offer some comfort right now.
@workinprogress89 You’re an entrepreneur. You can’t settle for a job. Trust me, in the same boat with that blessed curse here.

Use that creativity and grit of yours and do something on the side to keep going. You will die a slow death working for someone else if you’re anything like me.
@workinprogress89 It's hard. I've run a tourism business for the past 14 years, and it completely relies on international tourism, so who knows when, or if, I will be able to start it up again, and even then if there will be enough demand to make it worthwhile.

And like you say, most people just don't seem to care/understand. It does feel like a real loss, and I'm grieving, but no one around me really notices or understands.
@workinprogress89 Probably not what you want to hear but you've got plenty of time left on the clock to start over again. Use this issue as guidance when developing your next business and your business will be more durable.
@workinprogress89 It very hard to lose your business, and a lot of people wouldn't understand. But I'm glad you have your husband to speak to and definitely a subreddit where you can find people who understand. I know it all seems terrible now, but I believe if you had this much passion in your business. You can try again or maybe pivot the plan to adjust to what you went through. The most important part is to take care of yourself now mentally and emotionally and then revisit the idea. I am an accountant, and most of my first chats with business owners are setting expectations letting them know my own experience of leaving the safety of guaranteed paycheck to opening my own business. It is a roller coaster ride with lots of ups and downs. I hope that one day you do decide to try again as we need more business owners who care this much about their business. Should you ever need someone to answer a question or just someone who understands what you are going through, feel free to reach out. Sending you a virtual hug.
@workinprogress89 I’m in the animal care biz, too. There’s an added tangled layer in our industry because of our connection to animals. Even other business people don’t quite get it when we talk about our stresses, because business should “just” be business. With animal care, it is very personal. I have frequently talked about my business being “my first child.”

I’m sorry that this has happened to you. Take the time to grief, to recover, and to remember.

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