Lead Generation Q and A


New member
Between myself and my business partners, we've generated approximately 100,000 leads across a number of different verticals.

Some examples: Ecommerce, Refinance, Mortgage, Solar, Healthcare, Insurance, Private Security, Dental Appointments, Financial Services

What questions do you have on how to generate and close leads using modern-day marketing (Facebook, Google, Tik Tok, etc)?

Thank you in advance to anyone who chooses to participate. :)
@blessed2day As you may know, the lead generation industry is rife with, well ...let's call it shoddy work, poor methodology, and assorted not nice things.

How do you and/or your partner score lead quality? Care to explain a little about your methodology?
@dsx Hire a team outsourced to AB test areas. Resold data tends to be oversold and then your competitors and other industries are mass emailing them too. This brings your conversion down and then the chance you go to spam or are marked as spam up. If you want to track conversion get a crm that you send out of to save time tracking the data. In hubspot you can set up dashboards to track each source and then whether they are interested, booking meetings, or replying. Then when you AB test you can see which areas convert the best by analyzing the data. I would hire an outsourced team to help test areas out save money and then scale the team if it’s higher converting and more cost effective then buying the leads. Most resold leads also don’t always have the best contact info. They give you info@ emails or just basic email data that doesn’t help you personalize your emails as much as possible. Personalized emails brings conversion up and response rate up and the person thinks your not as automated. Looking automated makes many people ignore your emails.
@dsx Of course built this whole process from scratch and managed researchers that provided me way better data then resold. If anything I would buy data then hire a team to go back through it to raise the conversion. Plus I build outbound sales lead generation funnels for start ups, so I see what data they bought plus set up all the tracking for them. Let me know if you need more help my site is idealrevconsulting.com.
  1. we use https://www.letsverify.com/ for data integrity
  2. we work with buyers to make sure forms match their qualifiers/requirements
  3. we only fire pixel on qualified leads
  4. we work with buyers sales team to get feedback on contact/close rate/lead quality and make adjustments as needed
@blessed2day Why did you generate these leads in different businesses. Looks like you just have scraped data. What info can you provide that a credit bureau can’t provide better?

Are these qualified leads? And to what level and when was last time tou qualified it. They obviously aren’t hot but are they at least warm?
@wyatt1111 We get paid for different types of leads. 95% of the data is generated by paid platforms like Facebook and Google going to a landing page that qualifies the leads with a series of questions depending on the offer. Leads are real-time posted into the CRM for the buyer/network so they are hot leads.

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