Lead generation through live video marketing


New member
As a marketing specialist, part of my job is to analyze the marketing strategy of direct and indirect competitors. What I usually notice in their week points, is - lots of businesses don’t do video marketing. Neither VODs nor live videos.

For my clients, I propose to use what lots of others are afraid to do. Or they simply ignore the power of live videos. But here is why it’s effective:
  1. You need less resources and input - your audience will forgive minor issues because they know your live video is not edited. All you need is a good audio, video equipment, and a script. No video editor or some other employees are needed.
  2. It’s highly engaging - people prefer videos over any other content because they love live interactions.
  3. Live videos create a feeling of urgency - lots of people have FOMO (fear of missing out) and when they get a notification like “watch this live video till it ends”, encourages them to take an action. They might regret if they don’t.
  4. It’s affordable - Running ads requires to have a certain budget. And if you stop your ads, your prospects won’t learn about yourself. On the contrary, live videos are affordable and sometimes can even cost nothing.
  5. Live videos are effortless - If you are using multiple social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, you can go live to all of them simultaneously. No need to choose only one platform.
  6. You target a wider range of audience - because you can multistream to several platforms, you will be able to reach your prospects wherever they are.
These are the arguments I can bring after examining the conversion rates of businesses that live stream vs the ones that don’t.

You can live stream your product demos, business conferences, influencer interviews where they recommend your brand, live competitions where the winner gets a 50%off of your products. The possibilities are endless.

Case studies show that lots of successful companies like Apple, GoPro, successfully used live streaming for their product demonstration events.

So, if you are a marketer, consider live streaming as an easy way of getting brand awareness, generating high-quality leads. And if you’d like to get more information about live streaming, multistreaming, here’s a guide that’ll come in handy —- https://restream.io/blog/how-to-multistream/ — or you can ask me more questions. I will be happy to answer.
@askdkdldl You can try Instagram Live, LinkedIn Live, Periscope if you use Twitter, YouTube. If your business is about gaming, entertainment, you can check out Twitch, Mixer, DLive.

What you need to do first, is research - understand if your target audience is on the platform you want to stream to.

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