Linkdra - LinkedIn Marketing, Automation and CRM [GIVEAWAY]

This giveaway is in partnership with Linkdra.

Linkdra simplifies your LinkedIn prospecting efforts, qualifies connections & grows your business contacts with an intelligent assistant powered CRM.

Unlike many other LinkedIn tools which are automation focused, Linkdra is outcome focused. For example, lead generation in specific domains (real estate to healthcare to finance to recruitment).

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LinkedIn Lead Generation: Strategies To Generate Leads On LinkedIn​

Do you want to have an endless stream of qualified leads through LinkedIn? Are you looking to transform your LinkedIn profile into a lead machine?

I will share with you strategies to generate more leads through LinkedIn. All that I am about to share with you is proven to deliver outstanding results.

Each strategy is a vital variable that will contribute to your success on LinkedIn. If you follow all the experiments carefully, I promise you will have so many leads in your pipeline that you may have to start turning them down.

#1: Craft a Magnetic Profile​

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Did you know it takes just 3 seconds for someone to determine whether they like you. Your self-presentation on social media has to attract your ideal customers.

Make your LinkedIn profile visually appealing - Your goal is to keep people on your profile so as to make them scroll through your entire page. Your profile picture and banner is the first thing that they see when they land on your profile. Make sure your profile picture and the banner is interesting enough to make them scroll down to read more about you! You can use free tools like Canva or Venngage to design your LinkedIn banner.

Embrace the power of keywords and copywriting - Think of your LinkedIn profile as your landing page. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush and Ahrefs to find the popular keywords in your industry and use those words in your profile bio, about section and experience section. You can also add keywords as skills. Example, I am a Growth Hacker so I have added “Growth Hacking” as a skill on my LinkedIn profile.

Make sure your profile Headline clearly defines what you do and include a CTA in your about section with your contact information. Example, on my LinkedIn profile, I have outlined how my work can make an impact in their life and business and I end with a CTA that says - “If you’d like me to help you and your business, please reach out via email (”

To showcase your work, you can also use the option of attaching case studies or relevant media files or links to your profile summary.

Get lots of endorsements and valuable recommendations - Make a list of your top connections who are either bosses, co-workers, clients or vendors who will say great things about you. Reach out to them requesting to write a valuable recommendation for you that talks about specific things that you did to help them and the organization you were working with.

You must have at least 5 great recommendations. If you are an experienced professional, I suggest getting a recommendation and endorsement for all your clients, bosses and co-workers. It won’t hurt to get 100+ endorsements to your skills and recommendations either. In fact, it will act as a social proof boosting your credibility and authority.

#2: Piggyback To Grow Your Network​

The content that you put up would travel only as much as your network. So, building a large network is key to see success in the rest of the strategy.

Now, growing the network has this unstated thing that we are looking at the right people in the network and that means a lot of searching and the right messaging to convert.

This is where tools like Linkdra with deep search filters can help get much more mileage than usual blasting that most automation tools do.

There are only four steps to grow on any platform:
  1. Identify the platform (here, LinkedIn).
  2. Identify key actions that will lead to awareness or discovery - Key actions on any social platform are actions that send notifications to other users when you perform them. Key actions on LinkedIn are like, comment, follow, profile visit, connect invitation, message, endorse and recommendation.
  3. Automate/outsource/DIY at scale - You can either automate or outsource key actions or do it yourself.
  4. Analyze and repeat - Collect insights and analyze which key actions are more useful and double down on those.
LinkedIn Pages are as dead as Facebook pages. LinkedIn pages do not have capability to be discovered easily. Hence, it is difficult to grow them. Also, company pages on LinkedIn do not have massive reach like LinkedIn profiles. That’s why I suggest focusing on growing your LinkedIn profile versus your company page.

#3: Create Sticky Content​

LinkedIn is drowning in content. In 2016, LinkedIn users published 130,000 posts monthly. In 2019, 3 million LinkedIn users share content every week. You have to create and share valuable content on LinkedIn if you really want to stand out of the crowd.

The best sticky content that will instantly make you memorable and visible on LinkedIn is Lead Magnet. Share a valuable resource and encourage your followers to comment on your update to receive the free resource.

If you want to double your impact, you can collaborate with other influencers in your niche and co-promote a resource in your respective networks. For example, if I create a comprehensive guide on growth hacking, I can share it on my profile as well as ask other growth hackers to share on their profiles. This way, the content reaches a larger audience and it is mutually beneficial for me as well as the other influencer who shared my content.

Another great example of sticky content is creating Episodic Content. Making your content episodic helps build fan bases for you and your business. Your followers will start anticipating content. You will gain more loyal followers because they want to follow your journey and see how future events unfold into episodes. You can either do an episodic video or podcast series or a text based series of posts.

If you struggle to come up with great content consistently, for inspiration, you can go through the top posts on Reddit or Quora or use tools like Buzzsumo or SocialAnimal to find popular content in your industry. If you are unable to publish fresh content, start publishing curated content.

#4: Leverage LinkedIn Algorithm To Maximize Reach​

The more valuable the conversation, the higher in your feed the post will be.

LinkedIn algorithm identifies valuable conversations using two variables - People You Know, and Things You Care About.

Marketing is now the art of understanding algorithms [LinkedIn Algorithm Decoded]:

#5: Utilize Underutilized LinkedIn Messaging Features​

Do you struggle for replies and responses? Do your text messages get misread or misunderstood?

It’s time to stop relying on faceless digital communication and rehumanize your business by adding simple webcam and smartphone videos into your communication mix in order to build trust, save time and truly connect with people.

LinkedIn’s audio and video messaging are the most under-utilized features.

The inboxes of decision makers are always bombarded with text pitches. If you truly want to stand out in a crowded LinkedIn inbox and be unforgettable, engage your prospects by sending video in LinkedIn messages.

Your face, voice, personality, expertise, enthusiasm, and all those other uniquely human and subconsciously processed social cues are delivered far better in a simple video than through the plain, typed-out text.

Your video pitches can be up to 60 seconds. Include elements like your story, prospects' pain points, your solution and proof that your solution has worked for others in their industry.

LinkedIn sends you notifications about job changes, education changes, work anniversaries and birthdays of your LinkedIn connections. To warm the relationship with your prospects, you can send audio messages during events such as their birthday or work anniversary.

If for some reason you cannot use audio or video, write and send a sequence of non-generic text messages taking the consultative selling approach versus blatantly pitching services.

#6: Make Your Marketing Omnipotent Through Omnipresence​

Omnipresence means being everywhere. Maybe your competitors are already popular on LinkedIn. However, they may not be active on other platforms.

If you can give the illusion to people that you’re just everywhere then that’s the biggest advantage you can have over your competitors. Because the more somebody sees something the more power it has in their mind.

Once you are connected to your ideal prospects on LinkedIn, cross connect with them on multiple platforms so that they come across your profile and your updates frequently across multiple channels.

And if that happens they will think you're so much more influential than you are and they'll have so much more importance attached to you in their mind. They are more likely to become a paying customer.

You must be wondering how do you pull off being omnipresent to your ideal prospects?

You can create an automated workflow to cross connect prospects at scale.

Download your LinkedIn connections’s contacts using Linkdra.

Then upload the first name, last name and/or company name on automation tools like TexAu or Phantombuster. Phantombuster or TexAu will help you find the Twitter, Facebook and Instagram profile URLs of your LinkedIn prospects.

Now that you have built warm relationships at scale by cross connecting on all major platforms, you can set up an email outreach campaign using the email addresses of your LinkedIn prospects that you acquired using Linkdra.

This is a powerful strategy, use wisely and please do not spam. Send personalized emails using tools like LemList / Mailshake.

Another good hack is to connect with multiple people within the same department of a company. For example, if you are about to pitch a marketing service to a CMO of an organization, it is in your best interest to connect with the marketing team members to gain insights on their current operations. You can find all the employees of a company on the LinkedIn company page.

#7: Use Relevant Hashtags​

Hashtags help you rank higher in the feeds of your connections who are following that hashtag.

What tactics are you using on LinkedIn to generate leads?
@inlovewithmybestfriend Thanks for Sharing wonderful insights @inlovewithmybestfriend. I have been on LinkedIn for 2+ years and got an amazing response following a similar workflow as your shared above.

Having 1,35,000+ followers it is really difficult to filter out nonrelevant connections and optimize the impact.

Let me check LINKDRA and see how it can help me in growing the reach to a relevant audience and send more personal messages.

I have experimented with all the strategies and POLLS are working wonderfully nowadays in terms of high reach because it takes just pressing a button to engage on a poll and people are ready to do that easy thing . . . haha

After all the experiments, the algorithm is still highly unpredictable and evolving at a faster speed than we can think of.

Linkedin is not giving me Linkedin live and creators mode although many small accounts have it now.

How do you suggest taking it from 1,35,000 followers to 2 million followers in the next 1 year?
@inlovewithmybestfriend This is to all Linkedin power users who are on this thread. At Linkdra we want to solve the most time consuming things on LinkedIn so that you get the time to do content and strategy. So, here is the deal. @davidoguilvy of course got the free access for life offer. But, we would like have more of us at the party. So, how about a product review or a blog post from an expert like yourself and we enable you for a life time access?

Interesting! Leave a comment or DM me.
@inlovewithmybestfriend Honestly, I've found that hashtags on LinkedIn are more detrimental than beneficial, unless it's a top trending hashtag at the time. I don't recall the last time I actually searched up a hashtag and I'm sure not many others do either. Now you might say it can't hurt but to me when I see hashtags stuffed in a post, I see it as clout-chasing. The author is just looking for some metrics to grow their profile rather than providing insightful value. In LinkedIn, since networks intertwine often, it's not hard to get a larger reach by simply posting something that provides value frequently.

Just my thoughts, I'd love to hear what others think about this :)
@christianworldsoundtraks Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)

I agree with you - I don't like when content creators end their updates with a bunch of hashtags. The maximum I suggest is three.

Also, you can use hashtags naturally in your sentence. It doesn't have to be at the end.

The reason hashtags are important - You are helping the platform show relevant content to their users.

If one of your connections follows #DigitalMarketing and you use #DigitalMarketing in your update, that person is likely to see your update higher on his/her feed.
@inlovewithmybestfriend Agree.. No more than 3 hashtags and preferably inline to make it easy to read. The location of the hashtags does not seem to impact LinkedIn algo on feed.

The key question is which hashtags are better. Niche or broad? Anyone with experiences/observations?
@inlovewithmybestfriend I've recently started a love story series in my posts where I catch the attention of my audience with my relationship and then drive them towards the growth hacking skills that I am learning.

This has helped me a lot in getting new connections who belong to the digital marketing and growth hacking niche.

This is also known as The Proclamation Lead technique in terms of copywriting.

Also, I've made relevant changes in my profile with SEO perspectives that have increased the search results and have improved my profile views in the past 90 days and I now get 3x more profile views than what I used to get a few months back.

You guys even check my profile on -

Let's connect :)

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