Many ideas for business and zero guts! I am sick of it! Please help!


New member
Hey guys. First of all, I’d like to express that this sub has taught me a lot. I was over at r/Entrepreneur and r/EntrepreneurRideAlong and there is some great advise there.

The problem is that I simply don’t know how to start up the business. What I do know is this:
  1. a person opens a company (Corp/LLC - and I’ve somewhat studied what the difference between these are - I’d want to go with an LLC).
  2. the business then purchases equipment(s) necessary to run the business.
  3. advertisement
  4. customers
Now the problems that I have or rather unanswered questions:
  1. how does one open a company? How much does it cost?
  2. how does a business fund something like equipments... ie: restaurant equipments?
I’ve been a working man since 16 and I am willing to dedicate as many hours as necessary towards my business.

Thank you for reading. My only friend is a slum lord and I really want to grow rather than waste my entire life working for someone.
@walkthe You're going to find that millions of people share this same problem. Hell, almost everyone has had a business idea. The truth is, we are scared of failure.

"If you want help, help yourself – people like to see that.”

I think that you'll find more help if you come back to this sub post-failure instead of pre-start.
@walkthe Starting a business requires (in the US) that you file an application with your state- the license costs $275 where I live. You can can google business license for your state. If (as you imply) you're opening a restaurant or food service place then you'll need a host of licenses from your local town and they'll need to inspect the property before you open and periodically after. For this reason, most (?) food service places start by leasing something which someone else owns rather than spending a lot of money on equipment.
@marseille18 Not every state has this requirement. Texas does not. Also, you can always just operate as a sole proprietor! The only risk is being sued. Generally that isn’t a risk until you’re already making a good amount of money though, in which case you could afford to incorporate anyway.

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