MassChallenge vs. Y-Combinator


New member
I'm curious about how MassChallenge compares to Y-Combinator. I know the material differences in terms of money, equity, and office space. I'm more interested in the intangibles. For instance, how good is the alumni network? Which one makes it easier to find an investor? Which is more prestigious? Basically the word of mouth, general consensus type of stuff.
@nelson123 If you’re aiming to be a unicorn - go for YC.

If you’re aiming to build a sustainable, profitable business - go MassChallenge.

If you’re not sure and based in a MassChallenge city, do both.

MC doesn’t take equity so there’s no cost.
@nelson123 The two have different origins, reputations, and structures but I think Y-Combinator would have the advantages in most of these areas by virtue of it being founded earlier, founded, led and associated with more "recognizable" names and having a stronger portfolio of notable alumni which collectively lead to it being more prestigious. Basically, YC got the headstart which gives it a lot of positive inertia that in order for MC to overcome YC they'd have to be leagues better than them. The gap should logically shrink some over time but we're talking likely decades, not months or years.
@nelson123 I haven’t heard of mass challenge, but Y combinator is clearly the most prestigious. Companies can raise a seed based on Y combinator affiliation alone. Also, awesome network of portfolio companies.

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