MemeZ -- Meme Sharing App for Gen-Z


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Meme became a culture to share common phenomnena or event to the masses specially for Generation Z


This project aims to share the ideologies of the people by sharing and interacting with creators of memes or users /Memezers/ and the memes themselves to become more connected and smile more.


Sign up or Sign in users (Backend).

Subscribe other users (Backend).

Create Posts (Backend).

Add tags and comment to posts (Backend).

An API interface for the front-end.

Feed UI (Frontend).

Partial Profile UI.


People rate how funny the Meme is -- not the conventional likes (Not implemented yet).

Memezers recieve in app token and badges for achievements by amount of subscribers and or laughters generated (Not implemented yet).
@elijahmuwanguzi Thought about the same, a rating system wouldn't work. You'd need to track attribution for measure performance. And probably also some ocr/ml to index and map memes for similarities / differences. Heck even structuring and indexing meme data would be a huge start.
@morihei There's a tag and title so it should make it easier to rank meme data to users and additional ml would be implemented afterwards. Attribution could be measured by tracking number of visits comments and also the rating system too. The rating system is like a grade by implementing ->😃😄😁😆😂🤣 in a friendly ui ux like they use double tap for likes right this works by long press and drag.
@elijahmuwanguzi Ratings systems are subjective and meaningless though, unless you have user attribution. I can explain more if you'd like but I think it's intuitive.

Also, you're not really capturing any data with tag and title.
@elijahmuwanguzi Ratings are subjective so you need to consider a rating as a composite user-rating value.

If I like seafood, and you don't, and we both go to a great seafood restaurant, and we both rate our experience (out of 5), then it might receive an average score of 2.5 unweighted, simply because someone who doesn't like seafood rated it. So you need to control for user preferences and full behavioral datasets. Do you understand what I'm saying? You can use ratings data, but it must be robust otherwise it is meaningless.

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