MS CS + MBA or Only MS IS/IM


New member
Hi all, i'm applying to masters programs in the USA for fall 2023. While my focus is mostly CS programs, I'm torn whether to apply for Information Systems and Information Management programs or not. I will have 2 yrs of full time work ex a big4 company in cloud domain and want to work in cloud+ML areas itself.

My main goal is get into industry post masters. My main question is, how is the progression in career after 5, 10, 15 years with and IS/IM as compared to an MBA especially with AND MAINLY IN regards to ROI. I'm from an indian middle class background so have to consider that as well.

MBA might be better, but is it really when comparing the fact that it would be 2 masters degrees (ms cs and mba) and thus 2 yrs of not earning and not gaining industry experience. Whereas in MSMIS/MSIM, 2 yrs, subjects from both cs and business areas and thats it.

Have tried looking up answers but I cannot make up my mind about it. Would love any input and resources where I could find more insight about this. Thanks.n in career after 5, 10, 15 years with and IS/IM as compared to an MBA especially with AND MAINLY IN regards to ROI. I'm from an indian middle class background so have to consider that as well.

MBA might be better, but is it really when comparing the fact that it would be 2 masters degrees (ms cs and mba) and thus 2 yrs of not earning and not gaining industry experience. Whereas in MSMIS/MSIM, 2 yrs, subjects from both cs and business areas and thats it.

Have tried looking up answers but I cannot make up my mind about it. Would love any input and resources where I could find more insight about this. Thanks.