My first e-book made $7,500 in 7 days

@thaonguyen225 Great work Simon! Love the high-level breakdown of time/effort spent. 16 hours to write your book is pretty fast, even if you are an expert on the subject. Any tips/tricks on how you managed that?

Would be cool to see a one month update or something like that too.
@finbar Yes, I think a couple of tips I used:

As mentioned, I picked a topic I know a lot about.

I chose to write an opinionated book, rather than explaining fundamentals. A book that would teach JavaScript fundamentals would require much more fact-checking and being careful about phrasing, etc. It would have taken much longer.

A book where you share opinions, preferences, and observations is much easier to write, and everything is much more up to debate. It doesn't lock you down as much.

Thirdly, I didn't overcomplicate stuff.

Google Docs, standard font, no spending time on formatting standards, etc.

And as mentioned: I outsourced the book cover and proof reading.

The proof reader came with a bunch of suggestions on how to phrase things differently, and helped me streamline the writing style.

That allowed me to dump text more freely on my part 😁
@thaonguyen225 That is amazing. Thanks for sharing the details. Congrats.

I have been working on an e-book idea but keep dragging and never get it done, so this is inspiring.

Having an idea is easy, getting it done is a whole other thing. So kudos to you.
@baruch7777777 I didn't have a good experience with Gumroad.

They couldn't verify my business, and froze the money that I earned earlier (which I still haven't gotten).

Besides that, they have issues with supporting a long range of countries, which caused a lot of extra work in manually sending out products.

Also - I'm a HUGE fan of Stripe, and use it for my SaaS product as well 🙌

So for me, it was a no-brainer to set up my own website and integrate with Stripe for this one.
@thaonguyen225 Oh wow thank you for this information. Will keep in mind. Also, amazing YouTube channel and guide to the e-book. 🔥

I'm not a developer so don't know how to build my own website. Is there another way to sell digital products? Like shopify or someway?
@baruch7777777 There are a few places similar to Gumroad - but I would still recommend building your own website.

You can use Webflow with a template and integrate with Stripe.

Or for that matter, use Shopify which also has a website builder.

There are many great no-code choices for this, and having your own website just seems much more exclusive and nice 😊

(some people will argue that you're then missing out on Discovery features from e.g. Gumroad, but honestly... it's negligible).
@thaonguyen225 Have you noticed an easier/harder time converting via your own website vs. Gumroad? Also, if you could do the process over again, what would you do differently, if anything?
@thaonguyen225 Congrats! Though I don’t believe that it’s possible to write a worth-reading book in 16 hours unless it’s 20-pages book. Maybe I’m just a slowpoke though. 🤷‍♂️

P.S. Nothing offensive.

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