My friend and I built a Micro-SaaS while working a 9 - 5 job during 2023


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1 year ago my friend and I wanted to build our own project from scratch. The freedom to build what we wanted and how we wanted really motivated us to take action.

First month​

Since we both work a fulltime 9-5 job, we wanted to actually spend some time on investigating different ideas and opportunities before pushing the start button. So the first 1,5 month we brainstormed on different ideas, but ended up with a design tool dedicated to YouTubers.

It took another few weeks until we landed on the name Tapely and bought the domain

The next few months​

We started designing the brand, a landingpage and started on the foundation of our idea. After 1,5 month we launched the MVP. We tried to find Users to test it, but it took some time. First we started with SEO the next couple of months and then we started testing Paid Ads. The Paid Ads was the ones that brought in some people who actually ended up trying the product.

We made the friction very small. All the Users had to do was to write their email and then we would redirect them to the app. That brought in Users and we had a conversion rate of approx. 9%, so we was pretty have with the validation. Especially considering how simple the first MVP was.

During summer​

We had a dip in the motivation and took some time off enjoying vacation and the danish summer. We did manage to upgrade the product with different improvements and in the late summer we had almost finished implementing authentication.

The last 3 months of 2023 and our first sale​

OUR FIRST SALE! We tried another validation strategy and offered a lifetime deal to our now 60 early testers. We offered it for $49 and our expectations was not that we would sell anything yet, but we ended up selling one lifetime deal. Such a surreal feeling that something we started could bring value to a YouTuber and that the person would invest $49 of their hard-earned money.

The dedication and passion for the project is the most important thing. We had already used close to $1000 on Webflow, servers and trying out different paid ads platforms. For us it’s an investment in our own skills and knowledge, so that alone is worth it, but it’s also an investment in the foundation of what’s to come in 2024.

We launched 25th of february​

We did it! We launched with a fully fledged SaaS product that we build from scratch while working a 9 - 5. Such a great feeling and we have learned so much.

We have launched with 3 tiers
  • Starter ($9)
  • Grow ($19)
  • Lifetime ($75)
Pricing is so difficult and we are aware that we probably need to iterate over it. We are testing how the product-market-fit is with the pricing and then after the first 2 weeks we’ll iterate. I already think that we need a free trial, but we will see.

Hopefully this post can motivate others to work on their passion regardless of them working a job or not. It has taking us a year to get here, but through passion and regular meetings we managed to achieve this. The hard part is being patient, but it’s worth it.
@blindautist I am building a SaaS and got 100% of my users through SEO. I never tried ads. I think 80% of the clicks go to bot farms. But - good job with utilizing them to get some traction.
@honeymoon We have tried some SEO, but a lot of our Users are also using YouTube themselves, so we are actually looking into experimenting with that channel.

The reason behind using Paid Ads has been to validate the product. If we couldn't get Users to try it for free we probably wasn't at a good place.

But one of the best acquisition of early adopters during beta was actually submitting it to BetaList. It was free and we gained 40 new Users who tried the product.
@truckingalongforgod Yes @blindautist, people want to hear about Webflow. What did you compare it to before choosing it?

PS: Congratulations on the launch. Very niche product that solves a real problem. Wish you all the best!
@evilrises Hey, thanks to both of you! We are using the CMS plan, since we are also testing out some cold canvas landingpages we can send out, and also so we can make blog post easier.

We wanted to hone our skills in Webflow, so it has both been for learning and skill upgrading, but we are also just a big fan of Webflow as a software and company.
@blindautist Website looks really good, it's very clear what the product is and what problem it solves. The product seems very useful to creators and pricing is good! Continuously adding new templates and customization options will help reduce churn.
@joshua14 Really glad to hear! We are thinking that we probably need a free trial period for the plans, to gain some trust and make it easier to try it out before having to spent money on the product. This is our first SaaS that we have created ourselves, so a lot learnings already.
@wherejesuswalked We are very dedicated to our job, so no reason for them to be afraid. We also believe, in the company that I'm working in, that people are more than their full-time job. So we have a culture where we talk open about things like this and we have gained a lot of trust from working hard and staying dedicated the last 3,5 years and continue to act like that.

I completely understand the question and it could be a concern, but I think the mindset and open communication can make that concern go away. Who doesn't want employees that love their current role so much, that they also improve in their sparetime. The company can only gain good things from that and you can never keep employees forever.

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