My friend and I built a Micro-SaaS while working a 9 - 5 job during 2023

@wildnight We want to make it more accesible to people who are not the top tier YouTubers. They want to use advanced tools like Photoshop. So we want to help especially upcoming YouTubers with using less time on designing thumbnails, but still getting great results.

We might pivot based on feedback on our product market fit, but we will most likely be better suited for smaller to medium sized YouTube channels. Atleast right now.
@drock21x Thank you! And yes, we have tried without it, but we will most likely add it. Either that or a 14 day money back guarantee. If anyone has some learnings about that, let us know. We would love to learn more.
@shayyydee Thanks!

Very valid question and to be fair we are not that different right now, but we have some pretty cool ideas for the future. So this is just the fundamental part of the product and just feels good to have launched something.

Now we will try to find our true product market fit. We think there is room for more in the space, but we have to be more specific compared the ones you mentioned.

So the answer is, right now not that much, but in the future it will hopefully be more clear.
@blindautist Cool congrats. For me, Facebook groups have been a great way to get your name out there. Respond when people ask questions: “Hi I’m the ceo of tapely and I think our product can help you”.
@blindautist Awesome job! Nice and clean UI. I hope you manage to grow the business from here onwards.

Q: How did you decide on the idea? I see a lot of people say that you need a competitive advantage in terms of the knowledge of the industry you chose. Are you creating content on youtube yourself and were in need of such a tool? Or did you just find a gap in the market where you can differentiate and stand out because of a feature your product offers?

I am in Denmark as well so it would be nice to connect with local like minded people.
If you want to, you can also see a bit of behind the scenes:

I am not the best YouTuber myself, but just gotta learn it.

The way I filmed the screen should probably not be filmed like that in the future, but we learn while doing.

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