My landing page is struggling to convert, roast it


New member
I’ve driven some traffic to Focused on Me and I’m seeing a conversion rate of 0.8% from landing page to sign up (for a free account).

How can my landing page improve to convert more first-time viewers?

EDIT: I just want to say thank you for all of your participation. I was feeling extremely discouraged a few days ago and felt like I was wasting my time, but y’all have given me a lot to think through and the encouragement to keep on going. Thank you to the community!
@shetel I think the biggest problem I see is that the value proposition seems a bit weak and I’m not sure what value I get by signing up. Is this an addition to my current calendar! Is this a chrome extension? What am I signing up for? Can you give people more information and visuals that helps drive your main value prop?

I have a hard time seeing why I would want to sign up when I can do most of this in google calendars already.
@ajdlga Got you. I’m hearing that feedback quite often so that’s something I’m going to have to sit with and figure out how to improve. I appreciate your time!
@shetel Landing page is too short. Is that all the value the product provides?

What is your USP (Unique Selling Point) ? I am not enticed to create an account and use it.

I'd also suggest to add a video showcasing how your product can be used by different demographics/audiences.

Colour theme doesn't say productivity, it feels more health related, etc.

I hope I am not too harsh. Building a product is tough and building a product people want to use is even tougher. You have got the first step down, just keep at it.

I wish you all the best.
@shetel the design is way too plain imo. Take a look at popular landing pages. They'll have banners breaking up sections of the page.

Besides that I don't think it's too bad. You have good CTA placements and testimonials

Check out this popular guide from indie hackers too, which breaks down how a great landing page is built
@shetel With a current conversion rate of 0.8% from landing page visits to sign-ups for a free account, it's clear that you're beginning to make an impact and gather an audience.

Check out my landing page for '' It's currently converting at an impressive rate of 15%, with over 10+ subscribers already! However, I'm always looking to improve :)
@brian1992 I loved the headline but you’re right, I’ll change it up. Someone gave me a reference to building a better header so it will be changed soon. Thank you for the feedback
@shetel I think that you should consider changing the font, to be more visually appealing.

And also highlight some info that it's more important that others.

It's kinda hard to indicate what provides the most value know.
@shetel Looks good enough on mobile.

Landing gave me enough info to want to see more.

Went to About, and it made more sense.

Went to Pricing, and didn't like that there was no detail under the paid version. I immediately worried that A) this may not be a 'live' company yet, and B) that some of those 'free' things they're offering today might end up being something they eventually charge for!

Agree with others, currently the value proposition is not strong enough to get me to sign up. Do you have a good Why-story? Something that prompted you to create this service?

Good luck!!
@shetel For me, my main confusion is how does this differ from my calendar? Is it an add-on to it, a framework, or allows me to schedule?

I see that you have reviews and stories - but I feel they are not showcased effectively.

Couple of actionable recommedations -
  • Add some backgrounds, section colors or just some effects for visual interest. The landing page is a story. Adding these breaks allows the user to demarcate where new information begins
  • Typography, especially the hierarchy and the reading text.
  • Do you have a working demo? Adding a video right underneath the banner would really help the user understand what you are offering
  • The pricing and stories would probably do better on the same page. I didn't really navigate to them till a minute in and accidentally
  • Maybe use Lottie or something animated to convey your idea better

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