My learnings on cold email – in case helpful to any other founders

@poppy25 Common knowledge in the marketing world. Links, images, open tracking all negatively affect deliverability. If your domain is clean, emails will still deliver. None of it matters if your domain gets blacklisted, so use the knowledge with care.
@cats Thanks for sharing your experiences. What is your conversion to demo %? So of every 1,000 step 1 emails (not including follow up emails), how many result in a demo?

We have done all the above steps you mentioned and have a maybe 0.15% demo rate which I feel like is super low. So for every 1,000 initial emails we send, we expect like 1-2 demos. Maybe messaging is a problem with us..
@cats Appreciate the post! I know you mentioned Apollo (which I’ve also used in the past and was quite a fan of), but did you ever manage to find any alternatives or better solutions? They seem to be the most reliable option in terms of prospect searching.
@cats Awesome post. I've never replied to cold emails myself and have always been skeptical, but I will definitely give it a try. We've been struggling to get our first client and I'm happy to know that this might help.

I have two questions for you:

1) How many emails would be acceptable to be sending on a daily basis without blowing everything up?

2) Do you know approximately how many emails convert to a demo? I wanted to know the order of magnitude, if it is 10 to 1, 100 to 1, 1000 to 1, 10000 to 1, etc