My rollercoaster journey from $0 to $1k/mo, all the way to $30k/mo, and then failure (back to $0/mo)

@miles77 Hey mate, that sounds like an awful time.

If you haven't already, I'd suggest counselling or some sort of psychotherapy, it's certainly helped me in the past get through rough mental times.

Best of luck with Sylvie!
@ersjbmah Thanks for the suggestion on seeking out counselling.

I'm actually feeling a lot better these days.

But I'll seek professional help if I'm ever feeling depressed again.
@sparker I have been "coding" since I was 12, building HTML sites while peppering in JavaScript.

In college, I freelanced in PHP, and I also built a SaaS that I ran successfully for 3 years. I actually dropped out of college to run that business. No regrets there. It gave me the confidence that I could just create my own job anytime by starting a SaaS. If I could do it once, I could do it twice (and I was right, I did it twice).

So to answer your question, it has been 20+ years.

I took a huge hiatus from 2014-2020 though, during which I did a bunch of non-coding jobs.
@miles77 If I am a designer / ux person whose business strengths are on the user side.

Where would you suggest I start to get a better understanding of the coding side, and potentially be able to help with that side of a business too.

Or is it better to just stick to your strengths?
@silkrainn We humans are incredibly-adaptable beings.

What front-end languages can you code in now?

If you're already familiar with a front-end framework, definitely look into NodeJS for the back-end.

Otherwise I'd say start with the basics of Python programming.
@silkrainn depends on where your interests are laying, if you want to expand your initial skills start with frontend engineering, there's plenty javascript frameworks to pick learn basics of the programming if you haven't already to the API integrations, async operations (which is already a good knowledge basis). Your UX skills could suit the frontend side of development. Stick where you feel you intuitively good or enjoy.

Although had a service business (sort of SaaS) long time ago.
@miles77 Your journey is a testament to the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. While it's true that hitching your star to another company's wagon can be risky, it also provides a clear path to identifying and reaching your user base, which can significantly ease the process of gaining traction.

However, I believe there's a middle ground here. It's okay to leverage another platform, but it's crucial to have an exit strategy in place. For instance, consider selling the app when you hit a certain revenue milestone, like $10K or $20K a month. This way, you can mitigate the platform risk while still reaping the benefits of a ready-made user base.

Remember, every setback is a setup for a comeback. Here's to your next venture, Zylvie!
@victoriablackwell Of course, in hindsight, selling it would be the right thing to do.

Basically playing hot potato, offloading it to the next person to deal with it.

Eh, reminds me of my days deep in the trenches trading crypto altcoins. 🙃
@miles77 Exactly! And I think that scenario will be relevant for many current SaaS builders as new conversational AI tools make it progressively easier for end users to build their own tools- conversationally - which fit around their specific problem and provide a rapid solution....

I'm currently building a user centered tool which does this.
@miles77 Thank you for sharing your startup journey and lessons. Your experience with Zlappo shows the importance of diversification, adaptability, and resilience in entrepreneurship. Best of luck with your future.
@miles77 Thanks for sharing your experience and describing it in detail. I'm sure the hard work you have done will help you in the next startup. Good Luck to you!
@miles77 Impressive work on marketing it and growing it to that level. If you achieved that kind of success you can definetely do it again. I always found a platform risk in almost everything i've tried building.
I always found a platform risk in almost everything i've tried building.

This is damn true.

During this period, plenty of indie hackers were building AI tools on top of OpenAI/ChatGPT.

I can't stress how dangerous that is.

And most of these products are just connected to 1 payment processor, Stripe.

And they're usually marketed exclusively on Twitter.

So it's like a single dependency, built upon another dependency, which is built on yet another dependency.

That's a very dangerous game to play.

For my new product, I'm integrating a minimum of 2 payment gateways, and even more to come.

For revenue, I'll integrate Stripe for commissions but probably use Paddle for monthly plans.

That way I can spread out the risk at least, if something happens somewhere.

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