My side Project Made $30k in Apr 2024 (in Lifetime Deal)

@hrosec Look for personal problems first. Maybe reach out to folks who are facing the problem. A bit understanding of the problem is necessary.

For Dottypost:

I had a personal problem, I've been writing on LinkedIn since mid 2022, and found that market do not have affordable + content gen solution for LinkedIn.

So I built it.
@hrosec Look for pain points. They’re everywhere, especially if you speak with actual business operators.

I found phrasing it as pain points instead of problems yielded much better results.
@danviking03 Regarding terminology some say need, problem, pain point etc, bottom line it same same.
I spoke with several business owners, ppl in diferent domains and no real must have pain point pop up, some start to be interested but after short validation I eliminate them. Happy to hear what you found:)
@danviking03 Im not sure about it, I like to find those in niches to, if you have some pain points that you dont plan to solve you can share with me, lots of luck for you too!
@hey_dude777 Nice work and great post.

What marketing channels were most successful for you? I like the idea of building in public but how do you find where your ideal audience is and get their attention?
@hey_dude777 How has it been the transition from LTDs to subscriptions? Did the conversion drop? (I also offered LTDs for my app, but now that it's evolving I'm considering switching to a subscription model - any advice about this is apprecciated.) Thanks!
@rjtiller We've just started our MRR journey. For MRR, the best way is to launch on PH and let your LTD customers support it.

LTD is for initial cash so you can get things going. in the long, MRR helps you compensate for LTD customers and make you profitable startup.
@hey_dude777 you haven't really answered the question... You don't have any subscription customer yet? I was interested in understanding what was the impact of the switch (for example in conversion).
@rjtiller I didn't get "transition from LTD to Subs". could you please elaborate?

Just to be clear, our major revenue is from LTD, we do have MRR customers too, but not significant.
@hey_dude777 sure I can elaborate better. So you are selling LTDs to start a new product. That's great and you say it has given you an influx of revenue to fund the initial development of the product. However, at a certain point you need to move to a subscription model, right? Otherwise you might not be able to cover the future costs of maintaining the project (e.g. maintanance, hosting, database, ...). Rightly so, you say you started introducing the subscription, but you have only a minority of users who are on this plan (as it's more expensive for them, and therefore more difficult to convert them).

What I wanted to understand, is how much difficult it is to convert them (with data). For example, maybe before you had 4% conversion with a LTD priced $XX (not sure how much you sold it for?), and now that you switched to $29/month the conversion has dropped to 1%. Of course these are random numbers I just made up. I would appreciate if you could share approximately the real ones. I'm in the process of switching to a subscription model for my app and, although I would imagine % changes a lot from product to product, I was interested in understanding how much I can expect my conversion to drop.
@rjtiller Run an AB-test for pricing (but don't code it, just show an error message), comparing your prodcut to others will not give you enough certainty. If you do not have enough volume to get certainty fast enough, just do it. You can always get the next 100 customers if it doesn't work out.
@hey_dude777 With the people you initially gave for free to get feedback, did they permanently get access? And did you limit the number of people that could sign up when it was free?
@hey_dude777 Hi! What does distribution mean? I just soft launched my mvp and looking to learn more about getting it in front of people.

I’ve been seeing directories, but most of them either take a long time (and just a chance) to get listed, unless you pay for it.