My Solopreneur Journey: 6 lessons from building 6 projects, while nomading for 6 months


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In the end of May 2023, I boarded a one way plane to Costa Rica. A month before that, I quit my job after being burnt out. For the following 6 months, I’ve been nomading in Central America, without a job, living off savings. My plan? Build an online business.

Throughout these 6 months, I’ve launched 8 different products that can be categorized into 6 different categories, each of them had a different mindset. Fast-forward to today, my trip is over, and I’m analyzing everything I’ve learned from it.

And the first retrospective I did, are 6 lessons I’ve learned from building 6 products in 6 months—my solopreneur journey.
  1. Lesson #1: Build it, and they will come—is a lie
  2. Lesson #2: Don’t build communities
  3. Lesson #3: Make sure to have a business plan
  4. Lesson #4: If you don’t charge, you don’t make money
  5. Lesson #5: Think about distribution
  6. Lesson #6: You only fail when you quit, or in other words: consistency wins
I wrote a blog post that includes a detailed break-down of each lesson, while associating it to a particular product(s) that I built. Check it out: 6 lessons from building 6 projects, while nomading for 6 months. It even has a bonus 7th lesson.
@camillallves1 I have a freelance project, and starting full time job. I doubt I can commit to another large project, but feel free to hit me up on social media. I'm always happy to meet interesting people and discuss interesting ideas.
@icantusemyname Could you shed some light on why you launched JustFax? I see a huge potential for this project via SEO. I just want to understand the motive, inspiration and backstory of that project because it wasn't mentioned in your articles.
@lue I honestly don't remember the reason. I was walking one day in Mexico, and thought, "hey, why not build an online fax service". I did research afterward, including a provider to send the faxes and cost assessment, and launched the project after a few weeks of development.

I probably saw something, somewhere, related to fax. It's not a unique product, though.

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