My Startup Failed. F#*k

So we talked to a few artists who said they thought it was a cool idea. BOOM! Our idea had been validated!

No, no it hadn't. If someone comes to me and asks if they can sell my product on their site, I am most likely going to say yes--especially if I'm part of a struggling company (band) that's having trouble finding traction in the 'regular' market.

When they started hearing complaints from the customers (the people who actually validate an idea) they should have either sold the idea better, or retooled, or quit.
@mototothemax I can't remember the term for it, but clearly the founders thought way too highly of their product without proper validation and fit. It wouldn't have been bad if they realized their mistake early on, but they refused to accept that it wouldn't work and just dug themselves deeper.

Starting a business and failing early isn't too big a deal (unless you've dumped a ton of money in before you even start). It's when people refuse to give up and end up spending massive amounts of time and money trying to keep an idea alive that was doomed from the start.