Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

definitely just numbing the pain for with the harsh reality of the situation.

You haven't accepted yet that you're a CEO and leader :)

One last recommendation and I'll leave you alone. Ask around, I think you'll find that starting a company, only to watch up it go up in flames is simply part of the process and not always a reflection of you.

You will go through some (many?) companies before you start one that actually makes it. From each you take away a variety of lessons that will influence your future decisions. That's how you become great.

If you are realizing that you didn't enjoy the experience as CEO/co-founder, then consider a career change.

If you really enjoyed the experience overall, move on and don't let the future slip through your fingers.

Sometimes when I feel like I need a motivational slap in the face I give a listen this speech from ET. It may not apply to you, but I always like to pass it along to others.

@cindie You will be all good my friend! Believe in yourself. You are one of the few people on this planet earth who decided to build things and make a dent on the way things are. Did it fail ? Yes May be , but you know what a bigger failure is not trying. Some more time and I am sure a courageous person like you will be kicking ass everywhere. Also please take care of yourself. Remember you are in this for a long haul and you have plenty of opportunities still to be explored.
@cindie I think everybody should experience at least one failure to learn that everything will be alright, it sucks in the moment now, but you'll know what it's like to hit rock bottom and become more resilient in the future. Most of your peers your age probably can't relate to you making it feel lonier, but take this time to give yourself a break, get yourself a job to pay off those debt, and the extra free time not building a business will give you clarity. Sometimes we're so busy running in a rut that we never make time for certain things meant for us, some friends I knew worked so much and it's not until they get laid off that they had more free time to have hobbies. Because they're into that hobby, they then know what product/service to create because they understand that market being consumers themselves, sometimes the wrong train takes you to the right station. Maybe you'll see something like that in your future job, or you'll discover that's more of your pace and is happier.
@cindie Mam you're 25 ,stop talking like you're 80. There's still a long way to go...and trust me getting a job is easy i know because I've been a recruiter with fortune 500 companies for over 9 years. Don't let the hype intimidate you. There's probably someone looking out for a candidate or solution provider like you. Just find a hobby which keeps you obsessed and try to find a way to make money out of it . If you think the enterpreneurship is too much you can always go back to find a job . But imho enterpreneurship is the way to go , especially when there's so much happening in the world right now. Just keep it simple ,find an interest ,immerse yourself and monetize.

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