My wife's app went viral on X and made $233 in one day

@maves ??? I didn’t subscribe and am using it. Only thing i care about that i can’t do is post pictures to journals it seems. Might upgrade if i find myself using it in a week
@mac4701 I'm not sure what this person's problem is. Everything works without paying for anything. The premium features are mostly server backed and requires money to keep it running.

Things like auto backup and cross platform syncing won't work without a server.

BTW Thank you for checking out the app.
@mac4701 Subscriptions to things like this are predatory. Either charge a one time fee of $9.99 or go the free route. There’s no reason a subscription here is necessary except hoping people forget to cancel. It’s trash.
@maves You need servers to do data backup, and cross platform syncing. Who's going to pay to keep the server up? You don't have to pay if you don't need any of that.

Plus all the basic feature works without paying. only
@williame300 I hate people suggesting more popular alternatives in this sub. So what? There's two pizza restaurants in the same street in every larger city of the world too. Competition is always good.
@kassi I'm not saying competition is bad. I'm simply saying this is going to be very difficult without having some competitive advantage of some sort. Competitor analysis is the first thing you should be doing.
@crabapple Looks great, but the continue button on Android (where it displays the pro version during onboarding) appears to be broken. The loading spinner appears and disappears quickly and I'm returned to the same screen.

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