Need help with b2b sales? I got you!


New member
Hi Y'all!

I have some spare time and would like to help some (super) early stage SaaS to acquire their first b2b customers.

Who am I?

-8 Years+ tech sales rep. 2X FAANG.

-Currently an Individual Contributor at one of the big 3 tech firms. I've sold millions in software products and services.

-Most recently I've advised a few pre seed startups and helped them develop sales playbooks and acquire their first b2b customers.

Some things I can help you with?

-Sales strategy

-developing your ICP

-competitive takedowns

-selling to the enterprise

-cold outbound

-sales/deal cycle management

Who is this for?

-Early stage startups that don't have a salesperson on staff.

-Early stage startups that need help selling b2b and developing a playbook.

How to get in touch?

-reach out to me directly or drop a reply on the thread. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Thanks for all of the responses everyone! I will try to get back to you all as soon as I can! Again, reply to the thread here, or send me a message. Looking forward to connecting!