Need help with cold emails to get customers


New member

We are currently building conversational AI for E-commerce Search and analytics. Customers of these e-commerce companies can search for products in a conversational way using natural language prompts. We developed an MVP and we want to reach out to e-commerce companies to find potential customers.

We've watched Yc videos on cold reach out to customers. But, based on your experience, is there any better way to reach out to companies and get customers? we only want 2 at this moment but what is the best cold email that worked for you? or any technique.

Thanks in advance : )
@tevrion Seems like you could be a good fit for a tool I built. It automates cold emails using GPT tuned on your product offerings + personalizes the message using your recipient’s LinkedIn

Its also tuned on all the best cold email tactics - so it already knows how to write great emails

All you have to do is upload a list of emails and LinkedIns and it handles all the outreach for you

lmk if interested
@kozluv Not sure that’s true. In what way will some business reach another business?
Why is cold emailing being treated as synonymous to spamming?
@gyx Ask anyone that is on the receiving side of that.

Here are a few things to consider: you are not the only one that cold email. I run a business, and cold email is always marked as spam without a second thought.

I get several a day (with a good spam filter). Some of them are scam, some are low effort crap, some are decent business. But, when you send me a cold email I don’t have a way to differentiate. You also basically asking me to do the marketing job for you.

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