New Mod and New Subreddit Rules! 🔥

Hey Growth Hackers!

Hope you're leaving a trail of brilliance behind you today! ❤


I'm happy and excited to share with you that I've been appointed as the new moderator for the Growth Hacking subreddit.

This subreddit was created in 2012. I'm confident, from here on, we will make this community more engaging, valuable and spam-free.

I'm going to enforce a few new community guidelines, with your help, with an intention to make this subreddit indisputably one of the internet's most-valued community for Growth Hackers.


Here are some new rules that apply starting today (feel free to chime in, I value your inputs):
  1. We discourage blatant promotion of any product or service. If you want to do that, please use Reddit ads.
  2. If you're a founder or employee of a SaaS product or you have developed any Growth Hacking tool, write a detailed explanation why your tool will be helpful to Growth Hackers, how to use it (step-by-step guide), use cases, case studies and then plug your promotion or CTA in just one sentence and one link. Publish a clear disclaimer about your association. Transparency is always appreciated.
  3. If you are sharing your own blog post, podcast or video, write at least one unique paragraph (500 characters summary) about it and then share the link. You cannot copy this summary from your content, it should be uniquely written, exclusively for this subreddit.
  4. If you're asking members to participate in any Surveys / Feedback / Reviews / Beta Testing, ask permission of the moderator if you're collecting contact details of our members or asking them to DM. Feel free to use the Reddit poll feature whenever it is apt.
  5. Each post/thread must have a flair. If you don't use a flair, your thread will be deleted.
  6. If you share a piece of original content, then you can link to your website or social media profile at the end of the post (one link only).
  7. If you are re-posting, then drop the link to original post in the comments not in the post. Mention something like - This is re-posted from: [SOURCE NAME AND/OR LINK]. You can re-post your content, but while re-posting content that you don't own, share a summary, don't plagiarize.
  8. Inappropriate content is automatically filtered by Reddit. We don't endorse black-hat marketing tools or tactics, if found, they will be deleted.
  9. If posts are not oriented towards growth marketing/hacking, they will be removed.
  10. Posts that have no actionable growth/marketing takeaway are removed.
  11. This subreddit is not for promoting your lead magnets. Don't block content behind a paywall or opt-in. Share it publicly and place opt-in within the content. Example: If you're sharing a 10-page PDF, you can add an opt-in form on the 11th page.
Subreddit members must actively report threads that don't comply to the above rules.

First time rule violation, we will send you a warning. Second time rule violation will result in a temporary ban for 3 days. Third time violation will result in a permanent ban.

Following rules and enforcing them is responsibility of every member. This is your community! :)


In order to encourage quality posts and discussions, we will recognize the best posts by rewarding them weekly and monthly.

Weekly Reward: Every week, the most upvoted post will receive the Gold award. The Gold award gives the author a week of Reddit Premium, 100 Coins to do with as they please, and shows a Gold Award.

Monthly Reward: Every month, the best post will receive the Platinum award. The Platinum award gives the author a month of Reddit Premium, which includes 700 Coins for that month, and shows a Platinum Award.

Original, useful and attention-worthy post receives the monthly reward (decision made by the moderator and in case of a tie, through a public poll).

We will try to invite companies to run giveaways of their products and contests on this subreddit. Please message me if you are interested to sponsor rewards or if you want to run a giveaway.


  • An AMA session with a seasoned founder or growth marketer [Weekly]
  • Video interview with growth marketers or founders of successful startups [Monthly]
  • A networking thread for sharing your wins, profiles, projects, challenges, introduction, etc. [Weekly]
  • A thread where you can drop links or requirements for Growth Hacking related jobs [Monthly]
December will be a test run. From Jan 2021, we will strictly follow the above plans.

I would love to hear from the subreddit members - what do you think about the new rules or if you have any suggestions on how we can make this sub-reddit high-quality and more meaningful.

Thank you very much! :)

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