No one cares about your newsletter


New member
This is something I realized very early in the process of creating my own newsletter, I was focused with sharing my newsletter every were, and no one cared.


Really simple, people don't give a f*** about other people. That's it. I know people don't like to hear that, but if you post on Social Media, you might have figured that out already.

For example, take a look at people on this substack. Everyone is promoting their newsletters, how many upvotes do they have? 1 or 2, if not 0 or less.

And it's no wonder why, we all hate being bombarded with ads, ads are every way, and we even pay to try to hide them, with Youtube Premium or Spotify Premium, we just don't want ads. So why do you think promoting your newsletter that way will be effective? It won't.

The one thing you need to do in order to share a newsletter, si provide real value. You may think your newsletter has value, and I won't deny that, but no one will bother even checking your newsletter, if you don't share value before doing so.

The one thing I want you to realize is that the best way to promote your newsletter, is by not promoting it. Just include your link to it after being sure you've included great value. As long as the content you are talking about is similar to the one you share on your newsletter, in my case, that's Social Media, so it made sense to include it. I think you get it, that's why now, I'll ask you for one thing.

STOP asking people to read your newsletter, and give them a reason to read it by providing great value, before they take the next step, which is checking your newsletter.
@woodsja00 I think this is a great reminder to focus on providing value to our audience rather than just promoting our own projects. It's easy to get caught up in our own excitement, but at the end of the day, it's all about what matters to our readers
@woodsja00 That is a very good realization. The next step towards your enlightenment is when you realize that no one cares about your product. Most people, most of the time, only care about themselves and about their loved ones. That's it.

If you want to get their attention to even try your product, you need to answer one very simple question and you need to answer it very well: How is this product making their life better?

If you cannot answer that within two seconds, your product is doomed.
@karenwnc If your product isn't helping me, why would I use it? That's it. Luckily for me I can answer the question, that's why some people also use my product.

If people don't find it helpful for them, they won't use it, it's that simple.
@laviniaaida An example of how to advertise while providing value.

That's why most ads have 0 engagement, but this one has people talking, and I'm not actively trying to sell my shit either.

Hope it helped.

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