Not trying to build 'just another community'


New member
Communities are weeding out everywhere with a sole proposition of bringing people of similar mindset, together.

Or so they say.

In the end, communities start getting crowded with non-relevant traffic and members (which is why admins are there!)

The end goals of building communities are-

1) to build a hub of like-minded people
2) to exchange ideas, talk and help each other with relevant questions
3) try to give/take business within the community (kind of like BNI)
4) occasional promotion

That's why I wanted to build a discord community for -

1) founders
2) directors
3) co-founders
4) C-level executives


You can be a service provider and you're only welcome if you're falling in either of the above criterias. (No freelancers!)

But here's the catch-

1) We will allow cold DMs or messages provided that our moderation system is pretty strong (we all are doing hustles in one way or another and we all deserve it!)
2) we will prepare a networking sheet on google sheet asking people to voluntarily give their contacts so that they can be contacted.
3) Group members will try to give businesses to fellow members first, before looking for other source to outsource.

What do you think of such a closed discord community?

Are you interested in something like that?

If yes, drop a comment saying so or just DM me with your intro and I'll send the link to the channel.

P.S: If we end up deciding to create such community, it'll be grassroot with only me as the first member- don't be disappointed :)

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