Octarine - Removing the waitlist for Mac!


New member

So I’ve been working on this for the past year on and off, and almost daily since May of this year, and I’m happy to share this with the world right now.

No more waitlist for Mac! Grab a copy here

Main notes view

  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • All notes live in your disk in open format markdown files, and owned by you.
  • Drag and Drop Images/Videos
  • Daily Desk for daily notes
  • Command K for quick navigation
  • Doc Links
  • Templates
  • Multiple themes and Customisations!
  • Just 6MB light!
  • Fast Search, and instant reflections of disk changes (Delete/Create/Rename in the finder, and it shows up instantly)
  • Keyboard friendly
There’s still a waitlist for Windows/Linux if you are interested in!

Check the new site up at https://octarine.app

Give it a go, hop on the discord, and let me know about your thoughts!
@pisteuo428 Looks super slick! Its a very clean interface.

I hope more and more projects take a local file first approach.

I'm a big Obsidian user, what would be the key improvements that would encourage me to shift across?
@plaintalk Appreciate the kind words!

Octarine is still ways from catching up to Obsidian, but few differentiators, that made me build this in the first place are:

- Focused on Design and Minimal

- Proper access to Daily and Tasks

- Not a huge fan of Plugins that someone else creates, maintains and the need to run through a github documentation to make something work.

- Fast and Lightweight (400mb vs 6mb)

There's a bunch planned like:

- One click publish of notes for sharing

- Syncing to Github/GDrive

- A slightly beefier task management and calendar view

- Support for Excalidraw and CodeMirror

- Tagging as a form of organisation

Would love to understand what you love best about Obsidian, and what would it take to get you over!
@pisteuo428 Thanks for the detailed reply!

I agree about plugins - that does make me nervous with Obsidian. I limit mine to just a very small handful (3 to be exact).

The biggest gap for me when it comes to Obsidian is a good, first party, table/data plugin. Something like Notion's database. I've actually been toying with making a light weight app that operates on csv files, with similar principals (lightweight, local file driven, etc)

Outside of that, it would really come down to inertia. As in, I already have Obsidian setup, and lazy people are lazy. I'll give your app a spin today though, the beauty of local file driven is a can try yours, with my existing notes, without having to port everything across.
So I had a bit of a play. Its really nice!
Totally understand its still in beta, but my feedback so far:
  • I couldn't find a way to view the markdown in "raw" format. It would be good to toggle between the two
  • (imo) The app shouldn't introduce additional content to the file, with the exception of meta data like frontmatter. Files edited with Octarine appended
    to the end of each line. I understand that is valid markdown, but it isn't markdown I added.
  • Even though callouts aren't standard markdown, it would be useful to support them (https://help.obsidian.md/Editing+and+formatting/Callouts)